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The helpless SS

constantly_irritated's picture

This was an eventful week with my family. On Wednesday we all were awoken by my contractions and a brand new DD for all of us to love Smile Yeah!!! That is until SS11 decided on Saturday to tell me that he just doesn't consider DS2 and new DD his brother and sister. It was a big wake up call for me and in my postpartum brain I was very sad. I told DH and he spoke to SS, but basically it boils down to the fact that you can't teach love and empathy.

On to Monday, when BM decides to pick SS up for the day and evening at around 11:30 am. Shortly after that DH receives text messages that go something like this: "when I picked up SS, he hadn't eaten all morning and when I asked him why he said it was because there was no food at your house." DH responded that we had plenty of food including the frozen waffles that are the only breakfast that SS eats. She proceeded to explain that we need to make sure that he eats because he is ADHD and forgets.

I had had it and I called her. She had just seen me and how dare she do all this. I explained to her that I woke up that morning and made sure that a 2 year old ate, a newborn ate, and I was not going to baby an 11 year old. If she wants to look in our cupboards she is welcome and that if we would let him eat candy bars for breakfast he would NEVER forget to eat. End of conversation.

So now I have decided that since my SS11 is too helpless to feed himself, brush his teeth, and all the rest then it is now time to treat him like he has a mental disability and make him a dry-erase board list that will hang right on his door and remind him of all the things he must do every day including change his underwear. This way his friends can see that he needs to be treated like a 4 year old with low IQ. He will also not be allowed to watch mature shows like Family Guy (his favorite) because he is too immature. I will not allow him to stay with me during the day because I might have to leave him alone and that will never do with someone so helpless, so it's off to daycare with him. I'm not sure what else a helpless 11 year old should miss out on. I would say video games, but that will never happen until DH wakes up to the manipulation of SS completely. And that's who's really getting hurt here, my DH,who is actually a very kind person that gets played by these two sociopaths.


dontcallmestepmom's picture

You rock! Stop the manipulation NOW, before it escalates. If you would like, I could introduce your DH to my FDH's young adults (19, 20, 23) who began to manipulate at a very young age, and continue to do so on a weekly basis. FDH only saw the light last year, bc they were out.of.control. They and BM will always be like this, but I am thrilled FDH woke up (well, he's about 95% and I will take that...).

CONGRATULATIONS on your new baby! Smile

smdh's picture

First, congratulations! Yay!

Second, do it. If he wants to be treated like a baby, he doesn't get to choose when to act his age. My SD does that crap - she is 8. It got way worse at dinner time because ds eats with his hands and makes a huge mess. She started using her hands and acting infantile and begging daddy to "help" her. I put a bib on her, gave her a baby spoon, and told her that she'd get dry cheerios for dessert just like ds. That ended her shit pretty quickly.

realitycheckmom's picture

Congratulations to OP!

Thanks to all of you ladies for the great ideas. SS9 plays this game of not eating if I don't ask him what he wants and make it for him. He can't close the loaf of bread back if I tell him to make his own sandwich.

smdh's picture

OMG, don't get me started on what SD8 can't do. She can't close the bread either. In fact, she can't close a box of cereal. The kid would rather it a shit sandwich that dh makes for her than make herself a pb&j sandwich because it is soooooo hard. I think I posted a play by play once. Took her 45 minutes to MAKE the sandwich.

Crustybear's picture

omg. I think we have the same 8 year old SD. Mine eats with her hands, acts like a baby and ties to get everyone to do shit for her. She is not able to close anything either.
I have done the whole "make your own food"...bla bla bla thing. I think public humilliation is the only way to go now. Everytime she freaks out or acts like a baby now I whip out my phone and start filming. Then I tell her I am going to bring it to her class at school or show her friends on a playdate. That works pretty good. Its not just a threat either. I have another 10 years to work through before I can be alone with her dad and I dont plan to idealy threaten anything. I dont really like this kid but my partner has custody. The things we SMs put up with for love....