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A Time for New Traditions

comfortablynumb's picture

This is my first blog, so a little background - I'm a stepmom of 3 grown skids and bio-mom to our 3 young ones still at home. Other than the skids and a couple of in-laws, I don't have any extended family here, having moved to another state with my DH shortly after marriage over a decade ago.

This holiday season, I've been thinking a lot about traditions. I used to always make dinner for the family on Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. In recent years, with the in-laws and older kids having their own obligations and families - it just hasn't worked out. It feels a bit lonely but the skids are adults now, and it's just the way it is.

Perhaps next Christmas my bio kids and I will be found vacationing on a sunny beach somewhere, or staying in a lodge and skiing, or more likely, like we did last night, spending it with another displaced family and having a really great and fun family celebration!