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Long time lurkery AGAIN - asking about Shit My BM Says?

ChunkyMonkey's picture

So sorry if this comes up as a duplicate - my post keeps going POOF! Does anyone know how Shit My BM Says is doing? I love her FB page and blog and I just noticed the FB page is gone. I don't mean to be intrusive and I understand if she just needed some privacy or a break but I also was worried that maybe something happened? Hope she's okay and that BM didn't find it or any other problems. Just wondering if anyone had any news?


misSTEP's picture

I don't know anything for sure, but the BM seemed to be amping up her crazy again.

tryingmom's picture

I just had to look for her Blog, it was there with entries as of last week. I don't follow her on FB.

miss behaving's picture

I know her page was up about a year ago, but today i went looking also because i was wondering if they had gotten a divorce since separating and her moving with their boys. Last i remember is bm was taking ad#2 to court with BMK and he wanted AM to testify in court.  i miss the page

Drikel6's picture

Shit my BM says, went "missing" again. Hopefully she returns soon. I liked the page. The last time she posted; that was deleted before she abruptly went MIA, was about her being out in about when she heard word cops came to her home and she stated that it was more than likely about BM or SS and how she has waited for this day forever. 
 I can only assume since the post was deleted a few days after that, it was not in regards to BM or SS. Now the Facebook page and blog page have been completely deleted. 
Hopefully all is good with her and the kids. She opens up to the world about her life and then leaves us hanging all the time with no explanation. At least tell us all is good, you're just doing other things, busy, BM found out about the page, whatever it may be. Let your followers know something. 

Phoenixallison80's picture

Has anyone heard anything? I hope she's ok