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Our Christmas is about to begin...

CBCharlotte's picture

We have all 4 skids Dec 28-Jan 3rd. Thankfully they are great kids, but 4 is still a handful! I have no bios. This is our first Christmas together since SO and I have been married (we were just dating last Christmas).

Give me the patience to deal with SS6, SS4, SD15 and SD12 for a whole week Smile

I am excited for them to open presents. They are usually very thankful/grateful/appreciative and I think I picked out some good ones this year.


threeandfree's picture

You can do it! My advice, is take advantage of some free time and get out of the house by yourself for a few hours if you can. Go shopping, get some coffee, meet a friend for drinks. Just something to regroup so you don't feel stuck.