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She is Such A PITA

CastleJJ's picture

It's that time of year again, where we are making plans and trying to sort out the remainder of our 2024 - trips, visits with family, etc. With that being said, DH emailed BM to confirm dates/times for remaining 2024 parenting times, to ensure everything lined up with school and sports, and so she doesn't claim a change at the last minute. We are scheduled to have SS for Labor Day weekend this year (first one ever due to sports). Based on the CO, DH is supposed to pick SS up at 3:00 p.m. that Friday, so we based everything around that. SS has practice on Fridays, but DH wasn't sure if there would be practice due to the holiday weekend, so he didn't take that into consideration. 

BM responds back to DH, stating that SS has practice from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. that day. She stated that since 2:00-3:00 p.m. is HER parenting time, SS will be attending practice during that hour. She said whatever DH does from 3:00 p.m. on is up to him, and whether he allows SS to stay at practice until 4:00 p.m. is DH's choice. Oh, and she is still keeping pick-up on Monday for 3:00 p.m. since DH can technically pick-up at 3:00 p.m. on Friday if he wants to and that is the time the CO dictates.

How petty can we be to where we are now breaking parenting time down by the hour? And there is never flexibility ever. It is always down to the minute with her. As a parent, my thought would have been "Hey, the CO says 3 p.m. but SS has practice until 4 p.m., so pick him up at 4 p.m. and we can adjust Monday by an hour to accommodate." But No. 

I would understand BM's perspective if we were local to BM and we saw SS regularly so adjusting/losing an hour wasn't a big deal in the grand scheme of everything. I understand that parents that are local base everything around kid's school and sport schedules and adjustments are necessary. But we aren't local; we are 4-hours away one direction due to BM relocating and we only see SS for roughly 1,000 hours (6 weeks) every year with MONTHS between visits, so to give up an hour, knowing it won't eventually balance out, is hard. BM clearly realizes the impact long distance has on her parenting time with SS, which is why she made the judge have all holiday break visitations end 2 days before SS goes back to school, so she could ensure she still had holiday time with SS, even on our breaks. She told DH that she should be allowed to see SS during our holiday breaks too, yet on the years she has those holiday breaks, we just miss out and don't see SS at all. It's always the double standard. We are supposed to give everything up on our time for SS' "best interests", but BM can't give up a minute of her 85% custody. 

DH responsed to BM, stating he would pick SS up at 4:00 p.m. Then DH and I decided that DH will show up to practice at 3:00 p.m. with cases full of Prime and Gatorade and snacks and watch the practice until 4:00 p.m. This way, DH doesn't technically lose the hour (even if he won't have direct contact with SS) and that way, BM can't portray DH as the bad guy and SS will see DH as a rockstar. And BM also can't say that DH never comes to anything related to SS, as she has been for years. 

And because I have PTSD from step life and DH told BM he will pick-up at 4:00 p.m. in his response email and we later decided he will arrive at 3:00 p.m. and watch the hour but didn't correct the email, I am waiting for the response where BM acts like DH doesn't show up for anything related to SS and is giving up an hour. But I also know if DH responds, telling BM he will actually be there at 3:00 p.m and watch practice for the hour, BM will say it was her idea and she had to encourage him to do that. Damned either way. And why I give a literal shit about what BM thinks, I have no idea, but her viewing DH and I as "bad parents" is one of my triggers. 

Only 6 more years... 



notsurehowtodeal's picture

As I was reading, I was going to suggest he show up at 3 - so glad he thought of that too! I do not think he should tell BM, she will find a way to ruin it. I wish I could see the look on her face when he shows up. Or should I say GF's face as I'm guessing BM does not go to practice.

CastleJJ's picture

Lol neither BM or GF will be there for practice. Since practice is directly after school and on the school campus, SS just walks over after school and practices and BM/GF pick him up at 4. They do not come watch. BM and GF will find out DH was there early when SS tells them on that Monday pick-up. 

dragonfly878's picture

I love that's you're going to the practice. Hell you should offer to take the whole team out for ice cream after.... get to know the parents and do whatever tf you want as it's technically your time.

CastleJJ's picture

I think the free Gatorade and snacks will be sufficient to make DH the MVP. I doubt there will be many parents at practice since it is middle school.

CastleJJ's picture

NOTE OF IRONY: If BM wants to get technical about the CO, she's in violation of her own order. Technically, the order states that pick-up is at 3:00 p.m. AT HER HOUSE. So technically, it is her responsibility to get SS to the pick-up spot by 3:00 p.m. So to tell DH that "her time" is from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and SS will be at practice during that time and DH is to pick-up there at or after 3:00 p.m. is rich, especially since there has been no agreement to change the pick-up location. That is, if she wants to get technical...

dragonfly878's picture

That's wonderful!!!! "Okay so we'll pick SS up at 3PM at your house as that's the designated pick up location. See you then."

Do it. This is your perfect opportunity to rub her nose in her own nonsense. 

CastleJJ's picture

DH doesn't want to fight with her. That is a lot of the problem. DH has dealt with this crap for 12 years, and he's at a point where he never wants to deal with BM again, but instead of just giving up and letting BM have SS permanently, he just gives into BM and does what she says. So DH just wants to show up at 3:00 pm and drive SS back to our state at 4:00 p.m. 

Rags's picture

DH should go to practic at 2 since BM won't be there.  Bringing the cold drinks, snacks, etc... Then, file a contempt motion against BM for the pick location violation.

Just for shits and giggles. That way, DH can rub BM's nose in the CO violation and nail her ass to the floor with a nice hearty "Huh? Too bad you weren't at the kids practice during  "your" time. I was."  IMHO it is long past time to start spining up this Hag from hell anytime the chance arrises. If she loses her shit over DH being at his son's practice on her time, make it count. She has no control over the baseball bleachers and who can watch a practice.


Just for fun of course.

notarelative's picture

If it's a school team, DH might want to call the school before the end of the day to be sure the practice is still on. If enough kid parents are pulling their kid before the holiday weekend, the practice might get cancelled. And I would not expect BMto notify DH. 

CastleJJ's picture

As of now, practice is still on the schedule. DH plans to follow-up with the team closer to. 

Harry's picture

SOME People just have nothing to do with their lives. So they pick on stupid stuff to make a point or be relevant. In life.   So now even tha5 she has major custody.  A hour matters.   ??  Most likely practice will be canceled be cause other kid family's will be going somewhere / place and that's more important then practice.