I need to vent
I need to vent.
I'll give you a little history I've been with my husband for 10 yrs married for 5 my step daughter was 3 1/2 when I first met her, so I'm a second mom to her. She is a only child and only grand child to well to do grandparents,so therefore she is spoiled rotten, due to overly doting relatives anything she wants she gets.. Well as you can guess she can be a little monster who doesn't understand the word no.
I love my sd but lately its been hard she has just turned 13 and is getting to be a handful and I'm worried about her. My Sd has issues with her mother she's rude to her calls her names spits on her hits her yells at her hangs up the phone on her ect. I know that my Sd needs structure, but its hard when your the SP and we only get her ever other weekend. Her mother is a good mom, but she does'nt know how to discipline her and when she does she does'nt follow through with it. My SD knows this and just wears down her mom and they just end up screaming at each other and then we get the calls stating I don't want her.. come and get her, or come over and help me discipline her. My husband drives over only to find out that they have already made up and its okay now you can go back home.. We've put her in counseling to help with the situation I'm crossing my fingers. I want a good kid and the drama to stop.
- Cassidy65's blog
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Hi Cassidy65… I feel for you,
Hi Cassidy65…
I feel for you, having been a nightmare teenage step child myself, I remember the hell I put my poor mom and step father through and I regret it every day. 13 is a hard age, step child or bio-child… the hormones are bouncing and the attitudes and behavior are monstrous! It’s the age… it sucks… but most every child goes through a phase of it.
My step sons are two and six and I’m terrified for the teenage years!!! If it’s true and we get back what we gave three fold I’m in for a WORLD of hurt! Times two!!!!
Stay strong… hold on to your husbands love… and ride it out. Just don’t get stepped on in the process. (no pun intended!
You sound like you're closer
You sound like you're closer to your SD than I am to to my BF's daughter, but there is no way I would let BM just dump her on me whenever she doesn't want to deal with her.
Probably not going to stop.
Probably not going to stop. You are coming on the teenage years. It just gets better. Good luck. Sorry no advice, I am in the same hell here.
I agree with the other
I agree with the other posters - unfortunately I think it is just the age. I never a had a SM and did not live with my BM and SF when I was that age, but I did live with my BF and I can assure you I was probably just as much of a PAIN to him if not BIGGER! Teenagers...SMH...
This is what gets me about my own sitch because I personally completely understand my SD11.8 from that perspective! I was a pre-teen girl myself with a "guilty daddy" (although my BF remained single until after I was grown, so there was no SM to be subject to or try to interject discipline in response to my behavior), so I see and have always posted here that I realize this is EXACTLY what I would EXPECT from SD or any child her age for that matter and NOT SD's fault. However, because SD's BF, my H, does not seem to be interested in actually PARENTING SD when she's with us, something SD needs DESPERATELY IMO, it makes for a pretty bad situation for me as the SM whether its SD's "fault" or not because the issue is surrounding SD and her behavior even it is due to H's lack of parenting! Also in my case I think its probably HARDER to deal with because there is a difference in how SD is treated versus my BS and I do NOT have the loving bond that you seem to have wth your SD because my SD was much older (8yo) when H & I got together so she was already pretty accustomed to his parenting style and I really had no input on how this child was raised at that point and still do not to this day!
That said, I will bid you good luck! In my case unfortunately it doesn't even look like H & I will still be together when SD11.8 is 13yo, and that's probably best for everyone...
thanks guys, I needed to
thanks guys,
I needed to talk to someone.. I love my kid, but I just want her to slow down.
She's really defiant with her mother. I just need to find a way to calm her down, so she's
not so combative and pushing the boundaries to hard. Its almost like she's 3 again and testing us to the limit.lol I know its what teenagers do.