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Out of the horses mouth.

Casper3's picture

Ok, So my DH and I have my SS's for 6 weeks in the summer with them visiting their BM EOWE. We picked them up last Friday for the holiday (See Road Trip) and are almost through the first week. 2 weeks ago, I make up a chore list for the boys. It comes down to we clean a room every evening M-Th, Fri, Sat, Sun off. They do dishes every night. I even made up little cards for each room stating everything that needed to be done in order to clean a room. Very detailed. I gave these to DH 2 weeks ago to review and asked for his imput. Was it too much? Was there anything he didn't want the boys doing? Did he have any questions/comments? He glanced at it all and said he thought the boys should do chores.

So Monday, our first cleaning day, I was pretty excited. I knew I would have to show the boys what was expected and what clean really means (per DH their BM is not a housekeeper, and based on the boys I would agree). I knew this would mean more time at the beginning, but when they know whats expected and how to do it, it should only take 15-20 minutes an evening. Well, in the middle of teaching them, DH stepped in and said it was too much. That this wasn't any fun for them. Of course they heard him and just quit. I was so mad. My BD2 was cute though. She came in and said "I help Mommy" and proceeded to mop the floor. I got him along and asked him if the boys were part of the family or guests. He said family and I told him that chores were a part of that. I explaned the chores again and he said he was in agreement again. I then told him to tell the boys that so they knew it wasn't just me. He never did. I mark down on the chart that the boys only 1/2 did their chores.

Tuesday, DH took the boys with him to the store after work so BD2 and I had the livingroom cleaned before the boys got home. I mark on the chart that BD2 and I did the chores.

Yesterday, when I got home SS10 is laying on the couch watching TV. SS12 is nowhere to be found and DH is out in the yard. I tell SS10 to get his brother and start the chores. He says ok but doesnt move. So BD2 and I get the chores done and after SS10 comes into the kitchen and askes what is for supper. I ask him where his brother is and he doesn't know. I ask where did you look. Nowhere. OK fine. I told him to get his dad and brother for supper. He goes outside and then comes back in a little bit later. I mark down on the chart that BD2 and I did the chores.

When DH and SS12 finally come in, I found out SS10 didn't actually tell them that supper was ready. That he just waved. I tell DH we need a family meeting. I ask him to tell the boys that he is in agreement that they need to do the chores. He says yes but he doesn't think that I should be standing over them when they do them. I tell him, that they need to know how to do them before being allowed to do them alone. He says everyone knows how to vacuum and dust. I said Sorry these kids don't. Nobody has taught them what clean means or how to do it. Right then SS12 says I don't know how to dust. I just smiled. Out of the horses mouth. Then SS12 sticks his finger in the butter and spreads it on his bread. How perfect!!!! This proves the kids have no idea about cleanliness or germs or anything. DH was so mad that I was right. He told the kids that they will have to do their chores every night and that either he or I will supervise.

Tonight, they have to clean their bedrooms. Aren't I just the evil stepmom?


onehappygirl's picture

You are teaching those boys how to one day be responsible, self-sufficient adults. I completely agree, they have to be taught to do things. My S-kids are not required to do any chores whatsoever at BM's house, and she thinks it's terrible that we make them work when they're at our house. They empty the dishwasher, take their dirty laundry down to the laundry room, fold and put away their own clothes and keep their room tidy. But BM thinks that kids should be kids and not have to be responsible for anything until they're older. Yeah, that's why she's almost 50 and living next door to her 80-year-old mother who pays for the house BM lives in (with her brother I might add), cooks all their meals, and picks up the kids from school when BM decides she wants to go shopping after work.

Continue what you are doing. They will thank you for it later. Believe me, I thought my parents were mean for all they made me do, but you know what, I know how to do it now and can and have been self-sufficient.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

Sia's picture

MY BS8 is a little flighty like that. I could ask him 100x to do something and he would still ask me what to do. I can also ask him to go get X from the fridge and he would come back with Y. I frequently tell him to go tell daddy this and he will either forget on his walk to daddy or plain get sidetracked. Some kids are just that way. Maybe your ss10 is one of those kids?

Casper3's picture

His brother is like that but normally SS10 is pretty reliable. I think it is that DH made it clear that he felt the chores were too much and never told them that he reconsidered. SS10 is lazy though and will only do the bare minimum that he can get away with. Age appropriate I guess, but annoying.

Sia's picture

neither of my BSs will do a damn thing unless I'm up their arse about it!!!! Wink

Angel's picture

you can leave with your bd for 3 or 4 weeks and let them live in squalor? When you get back you hire a cleaning service? I wouldn't clean up after all of that. Take pictures of the house when you get home.

Don't argue.
Either die with your foot down or hire a cleaning service.

It is your husband's stubborness wrapped in his guilt that is guiding him. He is the problem.

Casper3's picture

but a good idea. These are things I do every week anyway when the boys aren't with us. There really is no "extra" work. I just feel if they are living with us then they need to understand my standards in regards to the house. The only way to do that is to clean it. When they know what to look for, they will know how to keep it clean. And learning how to keep a clean house is a life skill that I feel they need. Humans are one of the few animals on this planet that need to be taught cleanliness.