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hmm, does my bk's soon to be sm dislike them, like some of us..??

cant win for losin's picture

I dunno, just some food for thought.
i have two bk's with exh (ds13 & dd11) of couse they are angels...LOL NOT!!!!!
Seriously though, they are really good kids. I am told all the time how polite, mannered, pleasant, kids they are. Im not a blind momma, and i was young once too. These polite, manneredm pleasant kids have that "other side" typical of their age.
My hormonal dd11. Ha ha Eye rolling, cockiness, attitude, smart mouth. Fights with her brother, very messy room, typical 11 year old not without faults.
I wonder what my exh fiancée thinks about her? Of course bein MY kid some things roll off my back and other things annoy me, and i know they have a more "controlled" household. (Exh is a controlling, emotionally abusive man, good riddens) Anyway, from bits and pieces through my kids, and just knowing how my ex is i know some of them expectations are a little over the top and that makes me curious too. Hmm, maybe if their expectations were lower would some stuff be an issue?!
My ds13, good kid. Has his body and mind invaded by aliens. Anyone with kids this age or past know what im talking about. Ha ha He is at that annoying, obnoxious age. Plays lots of video games, lazy at times, response for everything, fights with sister, etc...
It all just makes me curious. Ha, maybe she is on here. One thing for sure she cant bitch about me. Well, i guess she can, afterall her soon to be stepkids are MY spawns!!!!! LOL


mama_althea's picture

I once posted the exact same question about my Ex's wife and my DD.

In my case even, the wife is the person he left me for and I swear I have totally and completely taken the high road and not said one disparaging word about her to my DD's knowledge.

They live across the country, so they have only spent maybe 25 days together at most in DD's 15 years of life. New wife reported that DD was always pleasant and polite. Then via text and FB messages about 1 1/2 years ago DD's SM started to assert her opinions and threaten punishments due to some sub-par grades DD had one semester. It was the first time SM had ever contacted her. They had never spoken, texted, or messaged outside of the few visits over the years. DD resented a virtual stranger butting into her life, pretty much asked her to stay out of her life in a snotty 13 year old text, and unfriended SM on FB. Drama ensued and SM evidently never got over it because they haven't had her out to visit since.

I once told this story here and got more or less flamed on behalf of the SM. I did discipline her for sassing an adult and grounded her from some stuff for her grades. Privately I agree that there was not sufficient relationship there for it to be any of SM's business. SM had her own teen daughter, so I also think she could have taken it better.

Anyway...yes, I believe my DD's SM dislikes her.