Skid 4 hates me
And I am laughing my a$$ off.
Last week skid 4 got in trouble at school. Mr thing opened his mouth, something really inappropriate came out and he got suspended for a day due to potty mouth.
His excuse was he couldn't think of anything else to say. Really?? All those words in the English language and you chose Dick Head. Hmm, here let me help you expand your vocabulary.
He spend his day suspended and the entire weekend, copying word for word the Merriam Webster dictionary, unabridged.
- just.his.wife's blog
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oh, jhw. you are brilliant!
oh, jhw. you are brilliant!
LOL I dont think Skid#4
LOL I dont think Skid#4 thinks so, however last night during dinner conversation he actually used the word juncture.
Seems he has expanded that vocabulary of his!
Ah okay. I am reposting my
Ah okay. I am reposting my replay. SK4 is the 4th step kid not a step kid who is 4 LOL Disregard!
Never saw the original
Never saw the original
That is awesome! "Well, you
That is awesome! "Well, you couldn't think of any other words? Here, learn a couple thousand words this weekend!" Love it!!!