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Blocked from skids cell phone

buterfly_2011's picture

We got ss15 a phone from he could be on his mom's plan. He informed us today BM has DH blocked so our calls don't go thru. Then she sends DH texts about how he doesn't call his kids enough and what a shitty dad he is. Love this constant drama.


buterfly_2011's picture

She demanded we purchase a phone so we could have communication with ss15. The she agreed for him to be on her plan. Which is not a data plan. Strictly texting and talking.

whatwasithinkin's picture

doesnt this drama just make things so difficult. I never understand what difference it makes if a kid talks to their Dad or not (our BM is famous for this shit)

I could care less if my girls talk to their Dad, its their Dad for Gods sake. wtf

HadEnoughx5's picture

My DH often says that when he and Swamp Hole go to court, she loves to give the court a "shock and wow factor".

Does your skid know that DH is blocked from the cell phone? In our situation, Swamp Hole does things like this to PAS the skids.

Example... DH exercised his $500.00 limit to one of SD's extra curricular activities. Swamp Hole tells SD, the GAL, her attorney, the Judge and anyone else that will listen, that DH does not support his daughter.

Swamp Hole and BM's like her, like to sprinkle a small amount of truth and a whole lot of lies to give the "shock and wow" to others, while PASing their children.

It's really sad that the "holier than thou" BM role that the courts give these women, that they can not see the evil and damage these women do to their children and relationships.

buterfly_2011's picture

Ha swamp hole! We call ours TC( thunder Cunt). Ours pulls that crap too. We give nothing we help with nothing. She has nothing. He pays monthly CS on time every month. She doesn't work. It's us and the state that provide. Where she gets the I do it all on my own I will never understand