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Rant Dirty Uniforms

BorBor's picture

Ok Im gonna vent, I know people have bigger issues, but this just gets my gut,
Here is the scenerio, We have SS14 EOW and every THursday. So we drive him to school every Friday morning. BM took us to court to send SS to this $$ private school. Judgement was BM pays for everything pertaining to the school ..uniform, books

Since the begining of the year SS14 has not brought one clean uniform to our house for Fridays. I send Bm several emails that ss needs a clean uniform for Friday because I dont due wash on THurs nights. For a while I was accomidating, but a few months ago, it started to upset me..I was hounding SS to bring an extra uniform, when I put a stop to it, DH would wash the uniform after I fell asleep, or I would hear him get up extra early to put the clothes in the dryer. It's been upsetting me for a while, he always screws up my machine and I have clothes everywhere.

Last week I reminded BM and SS again, and warned him.. Bringa clean uniform we are not doing the wash anymore. I only do it on the weekend .

So yesterday he comes over, No clean uniform from SS, so when DH came home I gave him the warning, better not touch my machine ..SS is goint to school tomorrow in a dirty uniform. DH "yeah yeah",,,big backup cause he knows Im pissed.,

By the way the kid Smells naturally,, he has more sweat glands then anyone I know

THis morning Im getting ready for work in the bathroom

DH:We really dont need to punish Vincent because they dont send the uniform
ME: Well first of all its not "we" he did it to himself, he is 14 ,we warned him for a year . I sent BM several emails please send a uniform... Blame SS and BM ..why are you coming in here now saying this to me.Why dont you give BM a ring now and tell her your upset. Im sure she will remember the call next week.
When she is packing his bag

DH. Im not calling her. We sent her an email, you are punishing him because they never sent a uniform
ME: Well then maybe after a day of smelling himself he will remember to bring a clean next time he comes over..why cant SS get on BM back like he does with us.
DH: You see the way your are: the kid cant go to school with a dirty uniform, your punishing him

ok now he gets louder because he is going to slay the evil stepmom for ss to hear and its her fault .

ME: Louder: well let SS make it very clear to his mother that we do not do wash her on THursday and she needs to send a clean uniform...if he cant do that...well have a smelly day then..(very sarcastic)
DH: You have issues

I felt like saying yeah your dame right I have issue, thanks to being a stepmom.

DH and I were soppose go for dinner tonight,, now I just feel like punching his lights out.


Dawn-Moderator's picture

I agree. As soon as it gets important to ss, he'll remember to bring a clean uniform. If Bm isn't listening, then it's up to ss. He's old enough at 14 to remember that.

Stick to your guns!!!

secondwife20's picture

to vent! It doesn't matter if it's about dirty uniforms or whatever... that is what we're here for. You're upset, and you have every right to be, and I would rather you let it out on here than keep it built up inside you.


Why bother anymore? You have done everything you can to get SS a clean uniform for Friday. Apparently both BM and SS don't care. So why should you? If SS wants to go to school all smelly, that's fine by me!

Tell DH to stop being SS's maid because SS needs to learn himself that if he doesn't start taking responsibility for his own things, he'll suffer.

LotusFlower's picture

I have been down this road many times....b4 my skids came to live with me...ALL the clothes they came with EOW weekend were always dirty....I mean u could tell they had been wearing the same socks all week.....After constantly ragging on the stay at home, chat on the computer and watch jerry springer BM, she would finally wash the clothes and then send them to me in a green garbage bag WET!! used to get sooo mad at my skids for not making her send them with clean clothes and then I realized they couldn't make her do anything...she is truly a lost cause...I mean when u see SS15 snuggle into his pillow and smile bcause I just washed his sheets...u realize wow!...and I asked him,,,didn't yur Mom ever wash yur sheets????...and he said "no". Anyway...maybe if u saw it as he REALLY appreciates YOU because YOU won't allow him to have to wear a dirty uniform like his own mother...maybe that can give u a little peace...My skids get the greatest joy and are so proud of finally wearing WHITE socks Smile Be the better Mom even tho it sucks cuz eventully these kids will get it Wink ....Just my humble opinion

"Sooner or later, everyone's bill comes due"

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I've gotten the bag of wet clothes from Bm before. I had to end up rewashing them anyway!

My ss used to like the marks on the floor of his room that the vacuum would make, when I cleaned his room(when he was younger). He didn't even know that his mom owned a vacuum!!


JMC's picture


when SS15 (then 13) actually asked me how I did my laundry. I thought he was going to pop off some smart ass comment so I braced myself when I told him I used Tide detergent & Bounce dryer sheets. Imagine my pleasant shock when he told me he had never slept on sheets that smelled so good. He then wanted to know if he could have a Bounce sheet to carry in his backpack & if the next time he was over, could I wash his clothes. I believe that's the first and only time the kid has said anything nice to me. I would have loved to see the look on BM's face when she found the Bounce sheet in SS's backpack and he told her about it.

JMC's picture


if I left it up to SD17 to do the laundry, my electricity and water bill would go sky high - why? Because she only washes one or two items at a time. One time she even ran the washer & dryer for ONE PAIR of thong underwear! Heaven forbid that she would wash a full load of the family's laundry or even a load of towels; she uses 2 towels per shower, two showers a day - no kiddin'!

The Principlist's picture

We had this very issue wen BM was CP. Problem was that the CLEAN uniforms BM sent were sour and dank from her washing them and assuming that they would dry on their own. She would actually pack them in the kids backpacks that they took to school as if she had done a good service. When we went for 50/50 she became out right indignant and refused to send anything. THis was fine because we were used to having to wash the uniforms because she did such a horrible job. I used to think that was just her being mean and spiteful, but later found out that was just her way of washing clothes. Would sometimes run them through the wash with no detergent. Ewwwww. So it clearly explained why DH did the laundry when they were married. Once he and I got together we had different views on it, but we are both very capable of doing it. I was raised to do laundry once a week. I ususally started Friday evening (when I worked) and would be completely done by Saturday A.M. DH on the other hand wastes water, detergent and everything else. Please don't take it as a complaint, just stating the facts. DH will wash throughout the week, but then has to do it on the weekend STILL. Waste of time and money I think. You would not believe the turn around on laundry in our house. I can wear something today and it be hanging in my closet within 48 hours. NO LIE. Like going to the cleaners. That is the reason why the kids wear the same thing...their favorites. Now they argue they have to have all of these expensive clothes, but when it gets down to it, they wear the same 5-6 items repeatedly every week.

In fact, SS wore a pair of gray sweats to school on Wednesday. I'll have you know that he has on the very pair of pants again TODAY and it is only Friday! And YES they are clean. This drives me bananas. I no longer fight it because DH does the laundry and he doesn't complain. So, if he would let me do it my way then I would have no problem doing it. But because HE prefers to do it his way...have at it. It is no longer an issue in our house. BUT I TOTALLY understand your frustration. SS is 14. He is well beyond the age where he should be taking responsibility for his things and packing his OWN bag for visits. My 12 year oldl packs his own bag. He may forget something every now and again, but he doesn't forget too often. The best lessons are hard lessons. I would probably handle it the same way that you are. It is not about the uniform it is about RESPONSIBILITY. It is SSs and not yourss. I don't care if BM never sent an outfit for him. It is not her responsibility. AT 14 it is his and his alone.

People who get on HIGH Horses will find the fall to be most painful. ~ME :->

BettyRay's picture

I totally understand where you're coming from.

I think SS14 is old enough to be introduced to the washer and dryer. This will be hard for you - the laundry room is my domain too - but I would have him wash his own uniform.

Make him responsible for his own appearance. I bet he'll remember to bring a clean one with him the next time.

SSons used to get their clothes dirty on purpose and I would be the one stuck scrubbing stains out of clothes. I would argue with DH about it and he would say "they're boys, boys get dirty."

Well one morning DH and I were taking them to a family function. I had to run a quick errand before the function. When I left SSons asked to play outside. DH said okay but don't get dirty cause we're leaving when BettyRay gets back.

When I got back the boys clothes were on the wash line. DH storms out of the house and tells me that SSons got dirty on purpose. He saw them running and sliding in the grass and mud. DH was totally shocked :?

So he made SSons change out of the dirty clothes, then had them scrub the grass and dirt stains out of their own clothes and then showed them how the washer worked. Finally he had them hang the clothes on the wash line.

DH also told SSons, in front of me, that if it happened again they would be doing their own laundry.

SSons have never forgotten this, and they don't get dirty on purpose now either.

-Henry Kaiser

BorBor's picture

Just got this email from DH...OH Well here we are again.
I dont know what he is watching out for SS for?? ME? being punished?
Thanks for resonses.:)



melis070179's picture

Okay, he is obviously very frustrated. He feels he is being blamed for something he has no control over, BM washing clothes. And he's sorta right. No one can make BM do anything, and I'm sure she'd be THRILLED if she knew the fights she was causing. Don't let her get between you guys. You should try to nicely come to a compromise with your DH and tell him you think if he is not sent with a clean uniform, he either washes & dries it himself or he goes to school in a dirty uniform. He's old enough to wash his clothes, and should be doing so already, and he's old enough to pack a clean uniform. This is not an 8 yr old, he's 14!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

smurfy1smile's picture

We asked BM via email to send back an outfit FSS went home in that weekend. She replied - I always send clothes back after I wash them but okay. Two weeks later, the next time we had FSS1, the clothes came back - unwashed, stained beyond belief and stinking to high heaven. She did not do laundry during those 2 weeks - NASTY! How can anyone with kids wait that long to do laundry. She has the machines right in her home on the main level so its not like she has far to go to get it done. I am still waiting for an outfit we send FSS1 home in right after Christmas since BM sent him in a sleeper that we 2 sizes too small and his little feet were smushed.

Gross is gross. I agree SS14 should be responsible enough to bring a clean uniform. I am guessing he remembers his homework, permission slips, instrument (if he plays one), etc.

Dawn-Moderator's picture

Same with our Bm. She can go weeks without doing laundry!


stepmom2one's picture

BM does laundry 1 a month then I have to remember what outfit SD wore-down to the color of the underwear. Its BS.

He is old enough to bring his uniform back, old enough to dig through the dirty clothes and bring it to you after HE has washed them.

If you don't want him to touch your machine I suggest that you make him wash it by hand in the sink, and air dry over night.

sweetthing's picture

I can understand why this drives you crazy, it would me too. My ss showed up in a sweatshirt that totally had the cuffs hanging off it. His older brother wore it last year & it had some small rips & DH told him he was not allowed to wear it here. It was a hand me down from the neighbor kid.

On her own BM makes close to 100 thou, PLUS she gets DH's 1/3 tax free & we pay for very expensive health insurance & she send the kid off to school with a sweat shirt with holes. I told SS8 that he looked like he lived in an orphanage wearing that. That I was sure his mom didn't see ( how the hell could she not!!) how badley it ripped & NOT to wear it to school again unless BM sewed it up or he brought it over & had me do it. His baby brother was sick otherwise I would have pulled out my machine then & there.

Will it happen, who knows. If it ends up here I am tossing it & buying him a new one. Our BM isn't a bad mom but she just doesn't care about clothing on herself or the boys. Is it worth arguing over, no. It irritates me that someone could think that BM was pverty stricken & that is why my SS was dressed like that, but so not worth saying anything ourselves to her.

Me, I would wash the damned uniform because a stinky SS is a direct reflection on me. I do so damned much laundry here that what is one more load. HOWEVER I would sit down with SS have a heart to heart & tell him that at 14 he needs to be responsible for this & keep trying to get him to pack a uniform.

nrpacino's picture

Maybe it's because I'm new here, but I thought this was a venue for Steps to get healthy advice and vent, not a place to encourage toxic behavior??? Having said that, here are my thoughts on the DIRTY UNIFORMS...


Trying to justify your need to create drama with silly excuses like "I don't do wash on Thurs." makes you appear very petty and insecure.


With all of the energy you've spent "HOUNDING" and emailing BM, you could have easily acted like a caring adult and used the opportunity to TEACH SS how to use a washer machine!


Bullying your DH into feeling like he has to SNEAK to wash his own child's clothing is OUTRAGEOUS! Continuing on that path will most certainly be toxic to your marriage. Beyond that, WHAT washing machine gets screwed up by running a load of laundry? KUDOS to your DH for puttig his child's needs FIRST. BOOS to your DH for putting up with your juvenile control issue for all this time!

THE BOTTOM LINE IS THIS...You CHOSE to marry a man with a child. This means you ALSO CHOSE to be a Step...MOM. Being a MOM (Step or Bio) is not just a title. It's making a DECISION to SELF-LESS-LY attend to the needs of the children in your care. It means TEACHING them to be independent. Most importantly, it means AND SETTING A HEALTHY EXAMPLE OF HOW TO GET ALONG IN THE WORLD. Clearly his BM is failing in these areas. I have no idea WHY you would punish a child for his MOTHER'S failures!

The smartest advice I ever received about being a Step-mother is this...

....ACCEPT the things you cannot change. Have COURAGE to change the things you can, and seek the WISDOM to know the difference....

It seems you have THREE options...
1) Be a good SM and TEACH your SS how to do his laundry on Thursday nights.

2) Go BUY him an EXTRA uniform. Have him wear it on Friday. Wash the dirty one on Saturday. Save the energy for things that are IMPORTANT.

3) Continue to try to control everything and end up with a SS that doesn't respect/like/trust you and a husband that's tired of you creating chaos where NONE exists.

secondwife20's picture

but I disagree with you.

I don't think she was trying to cause any drama at all by asking BM a simple favor. All she wanted was an extra uniform for SS. And saying that she only washes on weekends is not petty. I don't like washing on days that I don't normally wash because I like to save water. Saving water means saving money... and that's something we should take into consideration because of the economy.

Also, why should SHE buy him an extra uniform? Why should SHE try to teach him? I'm sure if she tried to teach SS to be responsible, DH would get on her for making SS do work. Because if you haven't noticed, a lot of our DH's hate it when we try to be a "parent." They don't want their precious angels doing anything because it's down time for the kids.

I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but maybe you should understand where she's coming from before you jump on her like her DH.

BorBor's picture

First I would like to say "Ouch"
Second Thank you for taking the time, I appreciate your thoughts and I would like to responde
First, this issue with the uniform has been going on since school started.
as I stated in the begining I was accomidating, I work F/T and when SS is with us on Thurs usually its a family meal, if no sports are going on. I have 3 teenagers then.
When dishes are done last thing I want to do is collect laundry.
Ive "asked' SS & BM several time " you really need to bring another uniform,
Then as with all teenager "asking" becomes "hounding". I was getting the brush off. meanwhile at 10:00pm I m folding clothes. Khaki pants -one load.light polo --dark
I emailed BM ..please send another uniform, I dont want to send SS to school with dirty uniform. Thursday night I dont do it.. I just dont..its a weekend ordeal..laundry
Then I started getting upset.I refused to do as your refer to Bullying my DH into laundry. Instead of confronting SS and putting his foot down to throw a clean one in his bag.he is doing it himself. Collecting clothes from here and there ..throwing it on the machine ..leaving it on the dryer. Sat morning Im cleaning up the mess. My DH is capable of doing laundry..but that is my dept. and basically thats it.
As far as Teaching SS..why would that be an option ?..why would I run loads of wash on Thurs. unless he is going to do full loads and fold and hang them ALL..
Last week I sent another email, BM plz send uniform..nothing. she knows that they are being washed. Well the buck stopped today.

BM took us to court 3 times in 4 years. 1 time for full cust of educ 2.. increase CS.which she got doubled..2.. Medical control/
She drained us. PS the women is wealthy Ill be damed if I run and go get another uniform especially since it was a judgment of the court that she pays for them.

So as I see it
Im not trying to control or start trouble
If my ss grows up to be a little more responsile because of me..I will be happy. If he disrespects me I dont blame myself but the influence of BM
He is 14.. BM packs his bags.. DH will get up extra early to throw clothes in the dryer ..For WHAT?
BM is in the background enjoying the show.
I hope you understand that being a Stepmom is not all black and white...sometimes the battle you choose may be the littlest thing.

LotusFlower's picture

because it hurts him to see his child suffer because of the failings of his BM....and maybe he looks to you to make it better for SS14. Smile I couldn't send any child to school with a dirty uniform that his mother didn't wash because in actuality who are you hurting?...BM? SS14....I try to be a good mother role model to my own SS15 because it is the opoosite sex parenting that will affect these kids the most in If I chose to marry my DH cuz I love him, why wouldn't I want to make his children's lives better if I have the power to do that?.....listen SS14 could absolutely wash his own uniform, but he needs a strong MOTHER role model to show him why its so important to wear a clean uniform which obviously his BM hasn't shown him...Maybe she doesn't even wash his uniform while he is with do u really know???...just remember...u have to walk a mile in these kids shoes when they go back and forth between parents....u really don't know what he deals with from her...and maybe he's stuck between a rock and a hard SS15 is now a clothes hound and can't wear anything dirty....but only because I showed him the importance of appearance.... :)....IMHO

"Sooner or later, everyone's bill comes due"

LotusFlower's picture

"Why should SHE try to teach him?"

Why shouldn't she teach him if she chose to be his stepmom and the BM is a failure at being a mother??? So as a woman u just let the kid suffer because his Mom is a POS?? just asking

"Sooner or later, everyone's bill comes due"

secondwife20's picture

It's not like we don't want to teach our skids...

the problem is that we try to discipline our skids or try to teach them what's right and what's wrong... but then DH gets on us for trying to do that. For example, my DH says I have no right to tell SD8 what to do because I'm not her mom. YET. He expects me to wash her clothes, feed her, bathe her, love her like her mom. I know a lot of steps go through this because I see it all the time in blogs.

For example, I have tried many times before to tell SD8 to brush her teeth, but guess what? DH yells at me for making SD8 do something she doesn't want to do. After a while, I gave up. What's the point in trying to teach a child when I get yelled at for it? And I know I'm not the only one who has a DH that does that.

So that's why I said what I said.

LotusFlower's picture

OMG Sw19....I didn't realize you aren't supported by yur DH....I just can't imagine that!!! If my DH told me I couldn't say anything cuz I'm not the Mom...then I'd tell him not to bring his kids to MY house....but I'm blessed that my DH and I are on the same page....sorry for yur situation :(....

"Sooner or later, everyone's bill comes due"

secondwife20's picture

I'm happy for you that your DH supports you! I am definitely working on that with mine lol.

JMC's picture


SD17 does not live with us - she informed me that she would NEVER abide by my rules, do anything I asked and that she was "too old" to change her ways. She said she'd only listen to her grandparents or her father - yeah right! My home, my rules - DH won't back me up, so hence, SD17 lives at the grandparents and basically rules their household.

Elizabeth's picture

Speaking from experience, I went through this with DH and SD15. Not the uniform, but the overall laundry battle.

First of all, at 14 SS is old enough to do his own laundry. Will your DH agree to that?

Second, as long as YOU are not the one washing it, I would be OK with it "being" washed Thursday. But here's what I would do: Get together a load that matches whatever is being washed (lights for the pants and darks for the shirt). Then I would "inform" DH that if he chooses to wash SS's uniform for him, you're fine with that. However, he needs to wash an entire load and not just one piece of clothing. That way you get some laundry of your own done!

Frankly, this is not worth the battle. I agree SS is ALSO old enough to make sure he has a clean uniform. However, you really have no idea what is going on at BM's house. If DH wants to put in his time every Thursday to do two loads of laundry, so be it.

I stopped doing ALL of SD15's laundry when she was about 10 and complained one too many times to DH about the fact that the particular piece of clothing she wanted to wear that day wasn't clean. First of all, she wasn't putting them in the laundry hamper. Second, she expected them to be clean and returned to her the "very next day." Not going to happen. So, DH stepped in and began doing SD's laundry because clearly I wasn't sensitive enough to her situation (his opinion). However, he soon came to realize what a pain it was and how ungrateful SD was and he too stopped. Now SD either washes her own laundry or BM does it. I don't get involved AT ALL.

Serena's picture

First I agree that this should not be your problem and that DH should be either handling it or at least supporting the way you are handling it. It's lovely how we "get" to be mom's when it comes to the crap work (laundry, driver, cook) and have to sit down and shut up when it comes to the big stuff (education, discipline, etc.).

But I disgree that this needs to be a big issue. Is BM being a PITA? Yep, and that's probably never going to change. Don't fuel it. I would tell SS that he can bring an extra uniform to keep at your house and wash the dirty one on the weekend, do the laundry himself on Thursday night, or go to school stinky. Then wash your hands of it. Not your kid, not your problem.

It's hard. My SD goes to school in flip flops in the snow and I have to just grin and bear it. I'm the one picking her up and looking like the POS that doesn't know how to dress her child, but I can't do anything about it.

But to say that you don't have the right to feel this way is wrong. Everyone has their level of what they will accept and sometimes we're pushed over the edge by big things, but usually it's a bunch of accumulated little things.

We get used by everyone. The kids use us to clean up after them and shuffle them around, knowing that we have no real authority. Our partners use us to teach, train, play with, nurture, and "love" their children without supporting us when we need it. BMs use us when they don't have time or money to take the skids to the store to get a birthday present for a friend, to send money to school for lunches, to watch the skids so she can go out while all time reminding us that we're not the Mom. (I'm generalizing on all accounts of course) At some point BorBor, you've just got to say I'm not going to take it anymore, set your boundries, and let everyone else fall flat on their faces.

I'm not suggesting that I'VE been able to do it, but I'm trying. Good luck to you and vent away!

MSloan86's picture

I skimmed through the replies so if someone suggested this sorry for repeating:

Wouldnt it be easier to have DH buy a uniform, pants & shirt, how much can it cost? He wears this on Friday, leaves old one to be washed when laundry is being done, wears that next week... rinse and repeat.

I understand your frustration with BM & SS, but is trying to get them to do the right thing, isnt the best thing to find an option that doesnt create work for you or DH by requiring a wash on Thurs night, and removes the friction this is causing to your marriage.

BorBor's picture

Their are options, YES I agree , ss doing laundry ...I can shut up. I can buy them

Pay $33.00 Pants. Khaki -which get filthy
Pay $27.00 polo shirt
what is that? $60.00 plus tax.. I already priced them,

All that because a 14year cant throw a clean uniform in his bag, and DH can put his foot down with his son

My 6 year old niece packs her own overnight bag.

I'd rather take the $60.00 and go to happy hour every Thurs
I think I could really spread that $60.00 out till school is over. .. Wink

BorBor's picture

I pick up SS at school on Thurs.. we tried, we would call and text.."Hey kiddo dont forget your clean uniform"....
Then I pick him up "I forgot"

It does have alot to do with BM,,she is the ringleader in this circus...

Onward Onward right?

Thanks Smile

MSloan86's picture

$60 is cheap for a little peace. Its letting go of the frustration and not letting their behavior dictate your response. Let it go and dont let it impact you because it doesnt have to.

Then take another $60 and put that towards a happy hour you deserve!

Sita Tara's picture

In our situation, BM was supposed to buy uniforms out of CS, so she took the free handmedowns that people donated to the school. SD went to school in ratty, ill fitting uniforms, safety pinned to fit her, or when buttons were missing. She had no cold weather uniforms when I met him, no sweaters she was allowed to wear, only skort type bottoms and polo or blouses, thread bare at best, covered in stains. She didn't even have knee socks, but tiny sports type socks that didn't even come up to wear her school shoes hit. OH yeah. And the school shoes. BM bought them too big, and told her to stuff a whole pair of socks in the toes of each shoe.


So we finally broke down and bought some things. A pair of shoes that fit, a few white polo shirts and uniform pants, socks, AND A fleece that was uniform color, to keep warm in the ancient school.

BM called DH after the shoes ("What's THE MATTER with the ones I BOUGHT????" Ummm... she has to put a whole pair of socks in the toes to keep them on for starters.) Then when SD told her I bought the fleece jacket, BM called DH yelling "Tell HER to stop buying SD's LOVE!" (DH said, "Ummm...a warm sweater to wear to school that cost 9 bucks at Walmart is hardly buying her love. But wait- that's right! Only YOU are allowed to BUY HER LOVE!"

So that went well. the school year settles in....guess which uniforms we got BACK each Thur? The used dingy threadbare etc ones of course.

Then during the custody case I just ordered a couple hundred dollars worth of uniforms from a catalogue. Nothing fancy but enough that if she left some over there no biggie. THEN BM took her out to an expensive uniform store and bought her two skirts SD wanted (then NEVER wore all year b/c she suddenly decided she didn't like skirts.) FORTY bucks a piece those skirts (which was why I hadn't bought them.) I get your uniform dilemma. And NO! NO subject is too petty to vent about in the life of stepmomhood. Because in reality this whole situation is caused by BM pettiness for most of us to begin with. Wink

MSloan is right. We had to let it go. I think now too that BM is so out of control of her emotional responses that she may have convinced herself that she bought them. She is completely nuts. I have been starting to feel better about her along with SD, as I realize just how crippling their thought process is for them. I am no longer choosing to play and it feels GOOD. Wink

"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." ~Geoffrey F. Abert

Tara12's picture

First of all I don't blame you for being pissed about the uniform. You have rules at your house that YOU DONT DO LAUNDRY ON THURSDAYS. Simple solution - have your DH buy the kid a uniform and have DH or the kid wash it and keep yourself out of the mix. If one of them forgets to wash it then that is THEIR problem. SS is 14 - he needs to be responsible for his own clothes. My son was introduced to laundry at 8 and was able to put in a bag what he wanted to wear when he went to visit his dad at age 6 or 7. I would tell your DH you are washing your hands (HAHAHA) of the whole thing and not going to worry about it. He has no control over BM and in my opinion BM is just being a bitch about the whole thing and it is just causing problems between you and DH over something simple that your DH should be taking care of NOT YOU!

Sita Tara's picture

Although I've gotta say that it's EVERYONE in my family- my kids, SD, DH sometimes. BD 3 is the BEST one at putting things away, but of course I STILL have to tell her to- at least she does it right then most of the time.

I think our families just don't get that it's not just one uniform, dirty dish, clean laundry thrown on their floor rather than put away, candy wrappers, shoes all over the house....

It's that we work hard to keep the house nice, and they work hard to undo it all. VERY frustrating. And I don't believe that petty either. I think the kids in blended homes (step or bio in my case) don't feel responsible at EITHER house. They're like transients I think.

As far as the judgment- I have come to accept that it comes with the territory of the forum, and let that go. As far as the advice, ditto, but I think most of us know we are opening ourselves up, and often a response seems full of both judgment and advice, tough love maybe, maybe not. Maybe some posters don't intend it to come out that way.

But yes BorBor- VENT away! If you feel judged I wouldn't read it, if advice is helpful take it, if you don't want any then don't. That's the best I can offer without actually advising or sounding judgmental! Wink

"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." ~Geoffrey F. Abert