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MIL is NASTY to my daughter (DH's SD)

Boopdeedoo's picture

I found this site and am turning to other fellow step parents for advice. I don't know what to do with my MIL situation. I am to the point that I no longer want to take my daughter, who is 8, up to my In Laws for visits. My husband has two boys from a previous marriage (5 and 11), and I have a daughter from a previous marriage (8). My husband is very good at treating my daughter like she is his, and I do my best to also treat his boys like they are my own, when they are in our company. I have been complimented several times in the past by FIL on how I treat his grandsons, by including them in everything and just being nice to them, and making sure they are taken care of. I noticed all along, from day one, slight favoritism on MIL's part towards both SS, and I was really okay with it. FIL and MIL would buy my daughter equal presents to what they got the boys, and they attended her birthday parties and things like that. I understood that she was not their grandchild, and they don't care for her in the same way they care for their grandsons. I first started noticing blatant disrespect towards my daughter one Christmas when FIL was taking pictures of the three grandkids, and MIL whispered something in his ear. A few weeks later we were at their home, and the picture that had been taken of the three kids by the tree was on display in their living room, with my daughter cut out of it. My daughter noticed this and said something to me and got her feelings hurt. I brought this to my husband's attention, and he mentioned it to them, that it was really screwed up that they (she) went so far as to cut my daughter out of a picture. They then went out of their way a while later to ask us for a larger picture of my daughter's school portraits so that they could put her on display with the boys. I thought MIL got the hint, maybe even felt bad for hurting my daughter's feelings, and was going to change things. Things have only progressively gotten worse in the last couple years, MIL treats my daughter like an unwanted, unwelcomed piece of dirt when we are at their home. Things are better when they come to our home because MIL mostly ignores my daughter, except for a few snide comments. Everytime my daughter cries, or is upset about something, she is an actress putting on a show for attention. Forget it if there is a fight between her and one or both of the two boys, you can guess who gets the blame in her eyes and who is the trouble maker. Let me just tell you what happened this past weekend (Father's Day). We spent Saturday night and Father's Day at my In Laws home. Sunday morning my DH's two boys and his parent's were the first ones up and were downstairs. My daughter woke up upset because she had a bad dream. She tried to come in the room my husband and I were in, and the door was locked because we were getting dressed. She didn't knock or say anything, she just went downstairs, thinking for some reason maybe we were already up and down there. She sat down on a chair and was crying, and SS11 asked her if she was okay and what was wrong. MIL says," Don't speak to her, don't look at her, just ignore her." Then she came upstairs and I was in the bathroom, and she came in crying and told me what happened. Then later that day, MIL was going to take DH and I to some local outlet stores to shop for a few hours. FIL was willing to watch the kids while we shopped, but he felt he could only handle two of them, not all three. I suggested he keep the two older ones, my daughter-8, and my SS-11, because they get along the best and we would take the little one (SS-5) with us. MIL chimed in that my daughter was coming with us and the boys were staying with FIL because FIL can't deal with a whiny brat who will cry for Mommy the whole time we're gone. She said all this in front of my daughter. My daughter also does not cry for me when either of her Step siblings are around, only if she were to be left alone with one of them. Most likely because she's not stupid and knows they don't like her. So... by now my daughter is in tears because she does not want to go shopping with us, she wants to stay and play with SS11. The little one (ss5) is just sitting and watching all this, and he would have been fine going with us, had the b!tch just listened to me and left things the way they were. So then FIL chimes in and says fine she can stay, and MIL gets p!ssed off and says to my daughter, "Fine both the boys are coming with us then, and you can stay here by yourself." Now my daughter is sobbing, both SS's are now running around getting their shoes on, all excited that they are going. To make an already long story short, I ended up getting pissed off, carrying my daughter out to the car, and leaving the boys with FIL. My daughter cried her eyes out the whole way to the store. Then MIL made a comment about her wailing, and I said, "Well this is what YOU wanted, what YOU pushed for, deal with it." This is only the final straw, I cannot take anymore. I do not want my daughter even seeing her. She makes her feel like crap. My daughter has occassional night terrors, and one time a couple months ago, MIL and FIL were down for a weekend visit at our place, and my daughter says to MIL, "I got to sleep with Mommy last night because I had a bad dream." My daughter was telling her this because she was excited she got to sleep with me because it doesn't happen often, I don't allow it unless she is sick or something. So MIL says, "Oh, and where did Daddy (DH) sleep?" My husband slept in SS's bed so that she could lay down with me because of her night terror. Then MIL starts ridiculing my daughter that she is too old to sleep with Mommy and doesn't she think it's time to grow up. And saying SS-5 is only 5 and sleeps in his own bed. SS-5 still shits in a diaper because his mother won't potty train him, still uses a pacifier and still walks around with a blanky. The SAME day, as MIL and FIL were leaving, MIL says to SS5," Do you want to some visit us sometime and sleep over? You can sleep in the bed with Grandpop." So she rips my kid a new one for sleeping with me, and then blatantly says SS can sleep with Grandpop, ON THE SAME DAY. I hate her.


Jsmom's picture

Stop visiting with them... They will never see her as an equal. Stop the contact and let your SS and DH see them. You and your daughter stay away.

doll faced sm's picture

Not only would I stop visiting with *them*, they would no longer be welcome in my home. What a crazy b!tch.

briarmommy's picture

I agree with doll faced sm. I would talk to my DH and explain that you cannot expose your daughter to this abuse and that from now on he can visit his parents on his own with his children. I would also tell him that unless her behavior seriously changes you do not feel comfortable having that woman in your home.

oneoffour's picture

I would call her and tell her one reason your daughter seems to cry all the time is because she knows very well that 'MIL' doesn't like her or want her around which puts her in an impossible position when she is forced to stay somewhere where she is not wanted. So in future your daughter and yourself will not be visiting and MIL can pretend noether of you exist.

And maybe she would like to ensure her grown up 5 yr old grandson wears a pullup at night seeing he is not potty-trained, doesn't lose his pacifier or blankie or he is inconsolable nexxt time he crawls into bed with grandpop.

If my child felt so uncomfortable and cried (she obviously feels the dislike loud and clear)I would not have gone to the outlet mall. Some battles are just not worth the fight. Your daughter feels unhappy and scared in their home despite FIL's attempts. She shouldn't have to go there for some time.

OhNoYouDidNot's picture

Your MIL seems to have the same mental age as the children.

Don't stoop down to her level, simply stop seeing her. If or when she apologizes for her behaviour (for solely her own interest), just say "thank you, good bye". Do not welcome her to your house, and if this creates a problem with or for your DH, agree with him on a good time for her to visit and go out with your DD. I know it's difficult to not make DH feel he's in the middle of it, but it sounds like he's with you and should support you in not fostering a greater divide between the children.

Isn't it hard enough being a fricken SP without some damn family member getting in the way!?!?

Boopdeedoo's picture

First to echo... one part of the story I left out to try to keep it shorter was that I did say just forget it, I'll stay home with (BD), and then my hubby got upset because the reason we were shopping was for some work clothes for him, but also some bedroom furniture for the kids and he wanted me there. Then it turned into no one was going. That's when I blew my top and just carried her to the car and said let's go. It really was a no win situation for me.

Thanks to everyone for the comments... we invite his parent's down quite often to our place, because things are better then, but last weekend was the first time we went up there in quite some time, because of the stress and aggravation of his mother. I'm really glad to see these opinions, but I really think she's a mental case. It's way beyond just not being able to accept my BD as her own grandchild, she goes out of her way to be nasty and judgemental. I have tried to be way more understanding than I should be, even offering for DH to take both SS up to see the parent's one time when my daughter was at her fathers house, so that MIL and FIL could spend some alone time with their grandsons. I figured my BD doesn't even need to know they went. No matter what I do... MIL just gets worse and worse.

Anon2009's picture

I've been in your DD's shoes. Some of my step-grandparents treated me much like your MIL treats your DD. I never wanted for these people to love me like a grandchild. I just wanted them to treat me with civility and respect. My father saw how they were treating me and told my stepmother that he and I would not be going there to visit anymore and he didn't want them at our house. He also told her she could go visit them any time she wanted. I felt such a burder fall off my shoulders when these people were cut out of my life.

Boopdeedoo's picture

That's so sad! How can people treat children that way? Kids who have never done anything to them?! As a mother, I don't know how people who have had kids can do this type of stuff... I could see someone who has never had any children, but wow! Thanks for the verse, I will look it up when I get home.

simifan's picture

Where was your DH? Why if she is "his own"would he allow this, because quite frankly I would have told MIL, she could see all three kids when he** froze over and gone home with all three kids.

Your DH should put his foot down & all three children are treated equally or you see NONE of them. At the very least, do not put your daughter through this - keep her away from the evil woman that has to hurt a child.