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It's just annoying.

boogeymom's picture

I don't know what happened today that the skids thought it would be a good idea to accompany me on my outing around the neighborhood to post flyers for a lost dog I found. Irritating as heck. I mostly just wanted to take this little lost dog I found on a walk with me while I posted her flyers since she was so sweet and well-behaved, and my chihuahua had already been for a walk so he wasn't using his leash and collar. I should've left her in my yard since I know that's the ONLY reason the skids even wanted to tag along. (Neither of them asked me if they could go with me, I really didn't want them with me, and I certainly didn't need their help, but I just let them because I'm pretty sure it's the most exercise they've had in a LONG time as long as they stayed a good distance away from me). I knew it would only be a matter of time before they started goofing off and acting stupid, and I was right. The miracle is that it took as long as it did, and of course, SS11 was the one starting the whole thing. Messing with people's lawns, fences, bushes, gates, etc., I kept having to remind him that it wasn't his to touch and that it was rude to just mess with other people's things and property. It's a good thing DH called when he did to inform me that we'd located the owner of the dog, because when SS11 started knocking over construction cones, I literally was taking in a breath to prepare to tell him to get the hell home. It was just irritating having them following me around being jackasses when all I wanted to do was post flyers about this cute lost dog and enjoy her before giving her back to her owner.


boogeymom's picture

9/10 times I'll tell them to go away for sure. I actually kind of did this time because I told them I really didn't need any help, but this was one of those times I had to weigh my options because if I'd sent them home, they would've been ridiculously crying and shit, and I have a feeling it would've resulted in a fight between DH and me. Since we just had one last weekend, I didn't care to revisit it this weekend (we almost never fight). Usually they behave about 10x better with me alone than they do when DH is around because they know I don't play, so that's why they managed to make it about 2/3 of the way before they really started bugging me (as opposed to immediately when DH is around), and then I WAS going to send at least SS11 home, but DH called us home at that moment. I mostly wish DH just wouldn't have let them come with me, but I guess it could've been a lot worse. I would classify it as mildly irritating with obnoxious undertones. Certainly not the most irritated I've ever been by them.

boogeymom's picture

I can't just leave dogs running around, especially little ones since I don't want them to get run over by a car. If they're friendly enough and they come over to me, I'll always do something about it. She had a great time playing with my dogs in the yard while I printed out her FOUND posters, even my chihuahua liked her, and he usually doesn't like other little dogs. Oh, it was the best. The part that's even BETTER is that it turns out this little adorable girl lives right across the street, the owners just weren't home when I went to knock on their door, so that's why I papered the neighborhood. So I hope it means she and my dogs can have a play-date sometime soon so I can see her again. I guarantee if I could've kept her, I definitely would've, it was love at first sight, but 3 dogs is too much for us, the alternative would've been to take her to the no-kill shelter here in town. Turns out she was micro-chipped as well, so if I'd taken her in, they would've been able to scan her into the system and she would've been reunited with her daddy either way. A very happy ending to the story!