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Can anyone relate to this

BLUEEYES's picture

okay can someone tell me what this means?? I don't get it maybe cause I dont think like that BM... the girls came home yesterday and told me that their mom and grandma call them or say to them oh stop you are being a Kristina right now, or stop that and they call them their dads name i don't get it.. Why doo they focus so much on what we do or anything for that matter.


Tx mommy of 3's picture

They're making fun of you and your husband. They are making t seem as if what you guys do is bad/wrong and puttingyou guys in a negative light. Your dh needs to call bm out on it.

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

It’s passive aggressive mind washing at its finest… when the girls are doing something their mum or grand sees as “bad” they put a label on it as “you’re being just like your father”… ingraining a seed of negativity as far as the action and the person they’re being compared to goes. And it’s very childish behavior if you ask me…

And speaking from experience ( I heard many a “you’re just like your mother’s” growing up) kids end up resenting the person who uses those tactics.