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I have a feeling things are gonna get very nasty tonight

Bluebonnet's picture

First thing this morning, found this e-mail from my step daughter-in-law on my work e-mail:

Hi Bluebonnet,

Just wanted to let ya'll know that we will be having a birthday party for Grandskid#4 at Peter Piper Pizza on Sunday February 27th at 12 noon. We would love it if you guys could join us. Grandskid#4 would be excited to see you. We hope that you could make it!

Love you,
Step Daughter in law.

Hmmmm... Hackles are raised because East Texas and I had this conversation last weekend. I very patiently explained to him (again) that I don't do birthdays anymore since mine was blown off last summer.

I very patiently explained to him that I felt SS and wife would have Grandskid #4's BD party on Sunday and driving 6 hours for a 2 hour party and then working the next day was not something I wanted to do.

I very patiently explained to him that I wanted him to go. He objected and I then very patiently explained to him that he could go up on Saturday, spend the night and come home on Sunday.

"What about yoooouuuuuu????" Uh, I'm a big girl and would dearly love to have the house to myself one weekend. }:)

I forwarded this e-mail to East Texas bright and early this morning and guess what? Not a single response. Nope not an e-mail, text, phone call, nada, zippo, nothing.

Sooooo the little flower thinks the SS, SD and DH have been busily texting one another alllll week long and Step daughter-in-law was given instructions to "guilt" me into going. Haven't heard from her since before Thanksgiving.

GAH! This has happened before BTW.

I'm tellin' ya'll if I find out this has happened it ain't gonna be pretty!

So just call me Paranoid Petunia for right now 'cause I got a really baaaddd feeling right now.


on the fence's picture

Oh, you know it! They can be bitchy as hell to you and then make one little gesture and if you don't hop to right now, you look like the evil bitch. Ugh.