alone is beginning to sound like the best option....
The family I am in LOVES drama. I despise the extra crap that follows all the stupidity that comes because people cannot grow up. A continuing saga with the SDs is growing each and every day. I somehow do not think that I can ever forgive his children for how they have treated me. Is this wrong? He wants me to work on a relationship with his children even though I believe them to each have two faces. It seems that I am being made to chose. I never thought there was a choice. I love this man but cannot understand his children. Help!!!!
- bishop76's blog
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SD21, 19, 16...technically
SD21, 19, 16...technically not all adults but close enough. I just cant seem to be the bigger person.
No it is not wrong, but I
No it is not wrong, but I think like myself, you may be blaming all of this on the step daughters. When I came to realise the real culprit was my husband because he sat back and allowed the rudeness, the ignorance showed towards me by his daughter, like saying hello/goodbye to him and during the entire visit pretending I wasnt' there. A good example of how he encouraged her to treat me as though I did not exist was, whenever I asked her if she would like a drink, tea/coffee whatever, she would ignore me, I would feeling embarrassed, then ask her boyfriend (she never came here without back up), and then I would ask her father, I would from sheer manners, then ask her again, she of course would ignore me again, instead of my husband saying, hey Natalie, you were being spoken to, he would ask her if she would like something to drink, she would immediately answer HIM, then HE would repeat her answer to me.
Now after 8 years of this crap, and what I have described above is nothing, nothing at all, I told my husband after another eventful episode, that was it, no more. I no longer allow her in my home, I have nothing to do with her, and in fact her name is not spoken in this house anymore.
Once you realise that your partner is responsible for this, you will realise you do have some control here. He should show you enough respect not to allow his children to be rude to you, and it is not your place to work on a relationship with them, it is his place to teach his children right from wrong, so you can all work on a relationship together. However, like most of us here, your partner, has dumped this right in your lap. He does not see it as his darling daughters being at fault, he would never in his wildest dreams imagine it had anything to do with him, in fact poor dear, will actually see himself as the victim in this, the meat in the sandwich.
They are his children, he brought them up this way, he allows them to be rude to you, and he expects YOU to work on your relationship with them. First things first, he needs to teach them common courtesy.
This is not your fault, but stay in the relationship long enough, and you will be totally convinced it is all the SD's fault. Put the blame where it belongs on your partner. His children can treat you anyway they like, they did not choose you, he did, they don't have to like you, but they damn well had better respect you as his wife/SO and it is his place to tell them that.
^^^^^^TOTALLY TOTALLY THIS^^^^^^ Your partner needs to stand up for you and make his vile, rude offspring mend their ways - and understand that they will not be welcome in your house until they are polite and respectful to you.
YES,YES, YES. Just the other
YES,YES, YES. Just the other night when SS13 got up to go to bed and said, "Goodnight, Dad." I said to FDH, "why doesn't he ever acknowledge my presence? Notice that when he goes to bed he only says goonight to you and when he comes home he only says hello to you?" FDH said, "I never noticed that but now that you said it, you're right, that's b.s." He called SS into the room and asked him why he didn't say goodnight to me and then explained to him in no uncertain terms that it's rude & disresptful to not address the other adult in the room and to never ignore me again.
I was pleasantly surprised by FDH's reaction.
I agree that it all goes back to the parent. We let them off the hook way to easily for abdicating parenting and teaching & demanding respect.
What was his reason? Let me
What was his reason?
Let me guess, he just made an innocent look on his face and shrugged.
I was the bigger person for
I was the bigger person for years. Doesn't work if they're father does nothing about it.
Relationships are a two way
Relationships are a two way street. If they aren't respectful to us as SMs and if biodad doesn't enforce that respect than it's a loss cause to try and forge any sort of bond.
And I say this no matter WHAT age the skids are.