when should enough be enough
almost 2 yrs in this relationship with a great guy and friend we have alot in common. i have not met his children YET ! because he says his ex is physco and will cause trouble and physical harm to me. she is abusive verbaly and physicialy to him but not the children. His parents also say this to me they told me they are afraid of her and wish to get a restraining order against her. I believe my boyfriend is afraid of her also he allows her to go out of control without putting his foot down and saying this is unacceptable behavior. she receives child supp and spousal supp in access of $2000 a month. she makes over $60,000. a year herself and will not pay house payment or bills associated with house he always comes to the rescue and bails her out and he says it it for the childrens sake he cant let the children suffer and wants them to continue to live the way they use to live. i dont say anything about this but it does bother me . He is also torn as to how to handle this situation he asks me for my opinion and i tell him you are feeding the monster as long as you continue to bail her out she will just continue to drain your pocket because she knows you wont let the kids down. and she is dangling the kids infront of you using the children to control you. i'm having second thoughts HELP
- becky lynn's blog
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You nailed it Becky, your BF
You nailed it Becky, your BF created the monster that BM is by allowing her to use his kids as bargaining chips in getting exactly what she wants. She and your BF justify her demands as being beneficial to the kids, but in the real world SHE is the one who is benefiting.
Let me take a wild guess... she "can't pay her bills" but she has a nice house, car that is less than 3 years old, nails, hair, new clothes, shoes, goes out to dinner, movies etc.?? Most of us here at ST can spot these manipulating exes a mile away. why should she pay her bills when she knows that your BF will do it for her?
I'm guessing that you don't live together at the moment as you have never met skids? Or do they live far away? Unfortunately, your BF is already putting BM before you and as most here can tell you the chances of that changing are slim to none unless he grows some balls, puts his foot down and puts an end to her manipulation and unfortunately that is mighty hard to do once the monster has been created.
Best wishes to you, I really hope that you can have a happy ending.
thank you for the
thank you for the encouragement . i dont want to give up on him but i feel my insides saying enough is enough . and i will never meet his children unless i give him a choice of either you show me you want this relationship with me and your kids introduce me and let the ex throw her fit and get it out of the way so we can move on.
Probably not what you want for an answer.... Just my opinion...