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Interesting read on BMs facebook.

bearcub25's picture

DSO was upset last nite and was txting with someone. He didn't share and I didn't ask (it was SS20 I found out today).

So I went onto my stalker acct and saw what BM posted to her son. She was bitching him out for cheating. She said that he was cheating and acting like someone he knows (DSO...BM claims DSO cheated on her, she is the one that moved a new man in a week after she kicked him out) and how SS cheating makes her sick and he promised her he would never do this like someone else did.

Does anyone else think this sounds like a wife calling out her husband? I just found this post extremely creepy. SS does look like DSO somewhat.

BM has finally found a man to continue her 'I hate you leave/please come back to me' game.


bearcub25's picture

No there is really no way to tell unless someone is constantly liking and commenting on ur stuff.

In fact, one time BM lied and bashed DSO and I on her FB pretty badly (we both have her blocked). DSO called her and ripped into her for her lying. She spent 2 days posting on FB asking ppl if they were passing her posts onto him she had no idea who say it.