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BaaBaaBlackSheep's Blog

Feeling alone

BaaBaaBlackSheep's picture

Isn't one suppose to feel like they are one of the most important people in your relationship whether there is a child/children involved? I get the fact that most people don't want to put anyone before their children but since we are married doesn't that suppose to change. I'm not trying to compete to be in a number one spot. I just want to feel like the love is still there & we need to make time for us & not that it always have to be about the family & what the family doing.

Is it ever enough with the hugs

BaaBaaBlackSheep's picture

My SD just turned 11 in August. Over the past 6 months, I noticed a shift in her emotional behavior. She is constantly asking for hugs, giving hugs no matter what we are doing throughout our day and she says "I love you" throughout her various activities (even watching tv). I thought that by this age most preteens don't like all the hugs & kisses because of embarrassment in front of friends or they think it's just too much because they are maturing. I don't mind giving a hug or two when I leave for work or when I arrive home from work.

Coming to the realization

BaaBaaBlackSheep's picture

I have come to the realization that I don't like my future SD. I love the relationship I share with my fiancé but as a family it just doesn't come together. Now I am asking myself will this ever work because it's nothing you can tell him about FSD it's always an excuse for her behavior. I'm damn sick of it because I know FSD plays on his intelligence to the point of manipulating any situation to get what she wants or her way. I see right through her & she knows it but what can I do differently to make him see it.

Rock a bye baby

BaaBaaBlackSheep's picture

My partner (fiancé) whom I have been with for 4 years has a daughter who is 9 & is turning 10 in the next couple of months. The issue I'm having now is that lately she has been having these anxiety attacks when SD is away from her mom not so much when she is in school but if she is staying away maybe for a weekend & even in the house. SD & my partner spend a lot of time together & I mean a lot of time to the point that all she knows is her mom. In the beginning of our relationship we've had some struggles as you can probably imagine. At this point we still have some issues.

Rock a bye baby

BaaBaaBlackSheep's picture

My partner (fiancé) whom I have been with for 4 years has a daughter who is 9 & is turning 10 in the next couple of months. The issue I'm having now is that lately she has been having these anxiety attacks when SD is away from her mom not when she is in school but if she is staying away maybe for a weekend & in the house. SD & my partner spend a lot of time together & I mean a lot of time to the point that all she knows is her mom. In the beginning of our relationship we've had some struggles as you can probably imagine. At this point we still have some issues.

sicky pooh

BaaBaaBlackSheep's picture

Every time SD claims she is not feeling well my fiance doesn't do the proper protocol like check temperature etc... & SD ends up staying home from school. I know that people should keep their children home from school if they are REALLY sick. Its common for a child to attend school with a couple of sniffles, kleenex & hand Sanitizer. Yesterday SD came home from school sneezing which could be a cold. I know the flu thing is running rampant across the world. I really don't think its that's serious. SD is walking around, eating, being normal.

Dinner Blues

BaaBaaBlackSheep's picture

My SD who is 9 really gets to me at times when I came into this relationship 3 years ago I would noticed that my fiance would buy SD McDonalds every time I was around. Any time she ask for it she would get a 6 piece mighty kids meal with honey. When we decided to move in together I would cook all kinds of different meals only to find that the SD did not eat the food I cooked I would find myself having to cook her something that she eats. I tried to understand that I was new to her when stepping into the relationsip & maybe she just had to get use to eating my cooking.