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should of been a lawyer!'s picture

So we are going to court tomorrow morning. I'm a bundle of nerves already. BM has had the kids since Thursday. No telling what she’s filling their already screwed up heads with. It comes out that SS11 told someone at his school he was being abused, and the school called the police. Police called BM (who lives out of state) She called CPS and filed a complaint along with a temporary protective order. We are finally meeting with our CPS case worker today. He was notified on May 10. Slow system. Well BM put a temporary protective order against the kid’s dad; we normally have full custody and her visitation. She un enrolled them from school, and we got a judge to place them back in our county after she tried to leave the state, and we got them placed back in their school.

I'm beside myself with what does a parent do when you know the allegations were false. When your child hates you so much they make up abuse claims so they can be with the other parent? I can't imagine hating my own father that much that I made up something that could harm him. I believe with my whole heart that BM devised this plan and had her son in on it too! If that’s the case then what kind of woman would think that this is HEALTHY for her children??

SS11 has been moody and defiant for the last month. We contributed it to impending summer visit with his mother, but he was sulkier than usual. I think he was calling her behind our back, I believe she sent a cell phone with him upon her last visitation at spring break, and he has been hiding it, and calling her while at school, and complaining to her. He hasn't asked to use his father's phone in months to call her, and she hasn't called here.

He has daily chores, walking dog after school, sweeping living room afterschool, put away his laundry clothes. Simple stuff, but he thinks it's too much, and he doesn't think he should have to do the chores because when he is with his mother during the summer he doesn't have chores. BM doesn't have rules period. He doesn’t like when we send him to his room for disrespecting adults in our home. He got mad recently at his father and yelled at him "I'll show you, I'll get you good” I guess I now know what he meant by that. I just want to shake him and his mother for putting our family though this MESS! So please remember my family tomorrow as we once again because of BM go back to court. I should have been a lawyer!

Comments's picture

I've looked his father looked. I think it was in his backpack with him the morning he went to school, and he wasn't allowed back home after the PO. The BM either drove across country to un enroll the kids or she gave power attorney to a friend of her's that lives in our city. So Iguess we will see tomorrow how things play out.

CrazieCoconut86's picture

Good luck tomorrow. I feel so bad for you. This is a mess, and this woman should be locked up for thinking it is OK to play mind games like that with a child.