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Cannot believe SD and GUBM sometimes

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Well, I don't believe them or what they say ever, but, I mean their current antics. I can't believe they act like this.

SD refuses to talk to SO unless she wants something anymore (then again, this isn't new, this is par for the course). He calls or texts her at least every other day. He gets her on the other end rarely. One of the last times, she told him to call her to remind her to talk to him later that evening because she would surely forget to call him back. I mean..what? SO needs to call you to remind you to talk to him? Really? You can't just remember to call your dad?? It's been like this for the last few months - SD hasn't tried ever, though, but it's gotten worse recently for whatever reason.

Then, SO, gets an overly dramatic voicemail from GUBM last Thursday. She tells him that SD is depressed because he doesn't talk to her or want to do anything with her and that she can't believe that he's not trying to have a relationship with her and how disappointed she is in him for all of this. How he needs to prioritize his daughter above all else because she is the most important thing in his life and he's letting her down by not trying and blahblahblah. SO tells me this and I say "If it really bothers you, you could print out your itemized phone bills, highlight every instance where you call and text SD in one color and then highlight all the instances where SD texts or calls you back in another color and mail it to GUBM and tell her to STFU." *shrug* I don't know what kind of bender she's on, but, it must be a good one if she's acting this delusional.

SO calls SD after this voicemail and asks what's going on. SD swears she has no idea what he or GUBM is talking about, that she feels fine, and even if she didn't she wouldn't tell her mom and blahblahblah. Personally, I think SD is lying to GUBM about talking to SO and that she's lying to SO about having no idea what GUBM is talking about. I mean, we both know that SD deletes all of her text messages and her call history on her cell phone because she's a sneaky and shady child. So, I have no doubt that either GUBM is snooping and not seeing all the calls or texts from SO and has come to this conclusion on her own (maybe) or SD is telling GUBM that he's not calling or texting her and is playing up the victim card. Either way, SD is letting GUBM think that SO is not talking to her and that this is the huge tragedy in her life. Which likely works well for SD because she has longed for a tragic life story but her life was just too damn good to have one occur naturally. Sure, her parents split (and I'm not trying to diminish the ramifications of a split on children here), but, she was then doted on and spoiled to an extreme that she never knew possible before. She got twice the birthdays, twice the Christmases - technically, she got even more for birthdays and Christmases because MY family also bought presents for her on those days -, twice the vacations, she got two bedrooms with twice the crap, she got everything she wanted from GUBM and then got it all over again from SO just by making him believe that she wasn't getting it from GUBM. Hell, she now has the opportunity to travel to a different state whenever she wants because SO and I live in PGH. So, was it emotionally hard on SD? Maybe, but, materialistically it was wine and roses for her from the start. And that's what SD loves, SD loves being showered with stuff. ANYWAY...

The next day, GUBM texts SO to tell him that she didn't mean to cause any alarm because SD is happy and healthy, doing her studies and provided for, but that she would just hope that he wouldn't let a little disagreement get in the way of him prioritizing a relationship with her. Because, afterall, SO had a blue dreaded mohawk, tattoos, and a septum piercing and HIS dad still loved HIM. What?! What does SO's father have to do with anything? What does SD's ugly hair have to do with anything? And how in the hell does she have a right to question whether SO loves SD or not?!

If GUBM owned a mirror she would realize that SO doesn't base his relationships with people off of superficial traits because she is one ugly, chin-less POS. Like, are you serious GUBM? You really think SO would be THAT petty that he would refuse to talk to his daughter because she decided to ruin her hair by bleaching it before covering it up with bright, unnatural hair dye? Please. SO and I have both gone through every color in the rainbow between the two of us, that would be a pretty asinine thing to do. Hell. SO and I were dating when SO put purple streaks in my hair...IN FRONT OF SD. So why, oh why, would he refuse to talk to his daughter over that? And a little disagreement? Does she really believe that's the disagreement? She's got her head shoved way further up her ass than I ever thought possible if her alcohol and drug addled brain has come to the conclusion that THAT is his problem with the situation.

So, all that I have taken away from this is a) GUBM is as delusional and batshit crazy as ever b) SD runs her mouth to GUBM about every little thing and most of it is bullshit and c) SO is a target for their collective insanity.


Kilgore SMom's picture

SD is trying to manipulate SO and GUBM. SD probably wanted something from GUBM and was manipulating her, but GUBM called SO. Poor Me trick didn't work did it SD. Now watch to see if there is a pattern. SD probably pulls this poor me card every time she doesn't get her way. SO should call SD and GUBM out on their BS.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

SO would if he weren't still inclined to believe SD and if he were actually willing to talk to GUBM. He didn't even think of the possibility of SD lying to either of them until a mutual friend suggested it to him. *shrug*

learningallthetime's picture

Hmmmm...when a parent tries to blame the other for an action that is not occurring...I usually look long and hard at that parent and whether they feel this way and project onto the other. Works well with ex...if he accuses me of something I can be pretty sure he is doing it.

Alternatively, she did it to try and wind you up and when it did not she is now trying to manipulate it so that you act like it winds you up.

Between these two options...I can explain probably 99% of ex's behavior at the point I can predict if something is happening in his household and when he is going to call to make drama. I have also noticed if things are going wrong at his house he will make up issues with either me or his ex-wife before me...I think he is distracting his GF from the real issues (him) by painting us as bad. So far, using all the above logic I have stayed one step ahead, 100% of the time, and the spill over of drama to my house has vastly reduced.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

See. Projection makes total sense to me. Now that I'm thinking on it, GUBM DID tell SO in December that she gets mad when she looks at SD and sees SO in her. I'm sure that part of it is projection. And maybe all of it for that matter.

They just really flipping suck right now.