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She's not fit

as221303's picture

This will beat all you've ever heard! My husband's ex married a tattoo shop owner, has covered herself in ink, has pictures of herself half-naked with other women on the walls in there, and takes my stepchild in there Every single day she is not here with us. We have her exactly half the time, but on days she is there, she gets picked up from school and shuttled to the tattoo shop until time to go home and to bed. She has a half-sister (from first husband) and 4 siblings from new father. Mom is pregnant right now. On food stamps, won't work (didn't before pregnant).

Legally, child is allowed to be in shop, but no more than past 8:30 on school nights and no more than 4hrs at time on weekend. Can't prove this to court unless we pay PI tons of money, but hate her being in there all the time. She's 9 and cries sometimes that her life isn't normal over there, she wishes she could just be at her home sometimes and not in shop.

She's in cheerleading, we pay for it all. Mother is supposed to pay half, but gets out of it by saying it's not an aggreed upon activity.

I'm having a hard time here. My husband is a wonderful father and I'm being best SM I can, but we can't seem to get help from anyone....

Any thoughts???


hbell0428's picture

She's in cheerleading, we pay for it all. Mother is supposed to pay half, but gets out of it by saying it's not an aggreed upon activity.

YOU can say this..... Not like we would but....... :jawdrop:

BM isn't willing just to give her to you guys; would you want this. I really feel bad for this poor child; and that you guys have to go through this

iwishyouwould's picture

Im all for alternative lifestyles and I have spent many hours hanging out in tattoo parlors. I wouldnt have a problem taking my child with me to a clean, safe, drug free tattoo shop but neither do i feel that it is an appropriate enviroment for a small girl to be "raised" in - It's an adult enviroment because thats the nature of the business. With that said, what it sounds like the issue is here is not that the child is AT a tattoo shop constantly but that the child does not WANT to be there. If i am reading between the lines correctly, it sounds like the wishes and comfort zone of the small child are not being respected by the mother, and THAT is a problem. If you all are on speaking terms with the bm perhaps you could sit down, with the child, and give the little girl a platform to explain that she is uncomfortable/wants to spend time with mom other places.

hbell0428's picture

but that the child does not WANT to be there.
Agree with that! I dont think the problem is with tattoo's - hopefully not; I have some - my father is covered and has pierced everything possible and he wouldn't hurt a fly

I think anything you look at can be classified as a sex symbol today! it is crazy.

I think it depends on how it makes this child feel...

best of luck