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A good article by a woman who's both a SD and a SM-maybe the kid has a point.

Anon2009's picture

I came across this article years ago while surfing the web for information on stepparenting.

If you haven't read this article, I highly recommend reading it thoroughly, printing it off for your DHs and asking them to do the same, and implementing the author's suggestions.


aggravated1's picture

I dunno.....I read it, but honestly? She sounds bitter and like she has a chip on her shoulder. it's her side of the story, and from what it reads, she was an angel with a wicked Stepmother.

I am a Stepdaughter, have stepkids, and my own kids are stepkids-and though she makes some good points, most of this is not relevant to any of my experiences.

Also, I don't think it's my problem to fix. I am the stepmom and have ZERO authority. If their parents don't/won't care, I certainly am not going to step in. I can see where it would be good maybe for bio-parents to read it, I don't see where it would really benefit a stepparent.

shielded2009's picture

Yeah...I get her an extent...

I'm a step-kid (on both sides) and a SM, and honestly, life wasn't THAT hard...Why? Because of the adults in my life. My mom was Wonder Woman...My dad, not so much, but my Grandparents were wonderful as was one of my Step mothers...The other step mother that I had was awful to us, but because my mom and grand parents instilled some great values in me, I didn't have issues or problems with her like she had with us...(and she wasn't around very long...)lol...

The tone that I got from this article was that negative, hurtful and bad behavior from the kid was normal and expected, and should be respected...I hope that's not what she was saying, as I totally disagree...I believe that it's possible to raise respectable kids regardless of the situation...My sister and I are only 27 months apart, and when we hit the TEENS, we hit them HARD! We fought each other like cats and dogs, but when it came to our parents and step parents, we toed a VERY straight line...I LOOOOOVVVEEEEDDD my step father growing up...LOVED HIM. I still have fond memories of he and I going fishing or motorcycle riding...just the two of us...And my step mother...She's one of my most favorite people to this day...

My mom and grand parents instilled this in us...

Most Evil's picture

This to me was very long and self-indulgent, poor me.

Also, NO ONE asks to be born - durr!!!. Even stepmoms!! We are ALL someone's child. So to use that as some kind of point to me, seems frankly ridiculous.


beyond pissed-off's picture

I just read it and I think I rolled my eyes so hard that they are stuck in the back of my head. Self-indulgent twaddle!