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Dating before your divorce is final

Anon2009's picture

Since this is a topic often discussed here, I thought I'd share this article. It's got some good advice:


SMof2Girls's picture

I understand there are some divorces that drag on for years and years .. but honestly, in most cases, I see no reason why anyone would rush to jump into the dating pool immediately following a separation.

Lalena75's picture

So is lucky I even agreed to a date since he wasn't legally divorced his best friends wife had to explain the situation to me and SO still had to work hard to get me to dinner. It was a matter of money and they had screwed up their first divorce by not following through it was dropped but BM tried to reopen it, then went through a couple of lawyers and SO had to restart the process and only really got the money just as we were "reintroduced" to each other. they had been separated and dating other people as it was for 2 years before he and I met ( he wasn't dating anyone just married lol) she still flipped when she realized I was a serious thing not a quick fling.

momagainfor4's picture

after having been in a very long and awful marriage, I did start dating before my divorce was final. But I had moved on in my mind long before that. I think a lot of people are like that. My ex actually started dating as well bc he was lonely. He dated someone for 3 months, moved in with her then they got married 5 months later bc her ex was trying to get her kid from her bc she had a new guy living with her.

I lived on my own for 2 years while dating my SO then we moved in together almost 2 years ago. We are not married even though we are plan our future together. We talk marriage ever so often but right now it's not on the short term goal agenda for us.

I think that when you say "dating before the divorce" you get these ppl that think that you are cheating on your spouse or something. A lot of people don't realize that sometimes the person that divorces the other person has thought about this and planned it for a long time. I've actually seen several comments lately from ppl that are in the early planning stages of their "escape".

For me, if this doesn't work out, I'm done. I'm moving to a beautiful place and working in whatever job I have to in order to enjoy my life one day at a time.

The only reason that this relationship won't work is if sd14 causes serious problems. I pray not.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

I think it would depend on the length of the marriage and if there were kids or not. If no kids, then I think it's pretty much fair game (unless you live in a state where that could harm you.)

MIL filed for divorce against DH's father... who dragged it on for 16, count'em, SIXTEEN years before he finally signed. By that time, DH was grown, and MIL was WAY past her "prime."

She had suitors and would have liked to date and eventually get married again... but that didn't happen. They could try on the boot but couldn't buy it, so to speak. Revenge can be served different ways... in MIL's case, it means she never again found love.