Dr. Phil's show today...
I thought you'd find this interesting as it's about a dad who has strained relationships with his kids from his first marriage, who claim he's a deadbeat dad. His ex-wife (their mom) and wife (their stepmom) were also on the show. Check out the section where the website talks about the SM, and the exchanges she had with his kids. One of the kids told her to "shut up," and she said, "Don't speak to me like that, young lady."
I saw this show and I think everyone involved made mistakes and acted less than stellar at times, so it's unfair to pin all the blame on one person. I also think this BM made plenty of mistakes, including PAS.
I completely agree with Dr. Phil's saying that parental love and romantic love are two totally different and separate things. I think there's a way for both skids AND SM to come out on top and realize they all are important to this man. That way is for this man to parent his kids, spend loving quality time getting to know them, not tolerate their shredding his wife, having them speak directly with his wife about any issues they're having with her, spend quality time with his wife by taking her on dates, spending 15 minutes every day just talking with her, and letting her know he loves her.
What do think about this show, and the people on it? Here's a link: http://drphil.com/shows/show/1732
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"There is a way to balance it
"There is a way to balance it so that no one is more important than anyone else. You can love your spouse and your children equally, but with different types of love."
I agree with this 110%.
I'm a little amazed that Dr.
I'm a little amazed that Dr. Phil dismissed the step mom. I'm extremely angry that he said that nothing could stop a person from seeing his kids.
They don't even respect his marriage and said they preferred him divorced.
Obviously Dr. Phil should have come down on the kids and the mom.
I find it funny and a little ironic that he hasn't seen kids for 5.5 mo. And is 5 months behind on support.
Nothing can stop a person
Nothing can stop a person from seeing his kids???? Wow - Dr. Phil really dropped the ball on that one! Yes - nothing can prevent someone from seeing their kids PERMANENTLY but for a period of months? Plenty of BM's (and some fathers too) have done just that and more with a smile on their face and a song in their heart! And faced no repercussions.
Bad Dr. Phil - BAD! Don't make me get my rolled up newspaper and bonk you on the nose with it!! }:)