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Dealing with SD other family

AnnoyedSMofSD's picture

Good Afternoon 

So my SD(14) was exposed to covid 19. Her mother called my DH to tell him but is not getting her tested. So when are we supposed to feel fine about picking her up again? I am so sick of dealing with her mother and all her drama.


TheEvilStepmomStrikesBack's picture

Send a very official sounding email that you'll see her in 10 days! Even if she got tested right after exposure, she could still be positive within that quarantine period (from what I was told when I had to quarantine). 

disrestep's picture

Tell them neither you nor DH will pick her up unless she's quarantined with NO ONE else around for at least 14 days and can provide a negative test after the quarantine. Tests should be free last I thought. I'd say..."No negative test, no babysit."

Powerfamily's picture

I would say after 14 days.

Here in the UK you have to self isolate for 10 days.

I think it's about 95% of symptons show within the 1st 7 days.   Although children and teenagers seem to be asymtonmatic or very mild symptons.  So I think being over causious is the best with this virus.