My apologies
As a stepmother and a BM I must apologize to all of the stepmothers out there that are dealing with hateful BMs. I posted my blog on the advice of my stepchildren's BM. She said that this was a wonderful site and it might be a good idea to let people know that BMs are not all that bad that some stepmoms are horrible also. We happen to get along quite well. We talk daily and our husbands encourage our friendship. She knew what I was going through and thought that this site would help others to understand that there are two sides to every story. There are times that she ticks me off and I know I tick her off at times as well. But that is life. What I am going through is very difficult. I didn't send the letter at all. It was a fake letter to a fake person. I do deal with death threats, tires being slashed, broken windows, threats to my parents, etc. I have no idea where she is, what her name is, what she looks like, but I do know that she has harassed me to the point where the cops run by my house on a nightly basis. They have advised me to take a protective order out despite not knowing who she is. She has done some things that make my ex's parents worry for the safety of my children. I do know that she cannot go near her children because of previous abuse. That was disclosed to the courts during our divorce proceedings because of custody issues. Because of that my ex cannot have the children in her presence. So tell me, do I not have the right to vent? Or is it just for those of you who hate the BMs? I read your posts and you rant and rave about them and I wonder, do the children hear you? My kids don't. I don't discuss her in front of them, I only discuss her with my attorneys and the BM who is my friend, she doesn't even discuss the stepmom. My children have no idea how I feel about their stepmom but they know how she feels about me. So I will kindly bow out and find a website that is only for BMs. How sad that the BMs are the only bad guys in your situations. You are all definitely perfect. Keep bashing those BMs! They deserve it and you did nothing wrong, obviously.
- Anji's blog
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I'm sorry, but I'm still confused...
the original blog really was harsh for a first post, but I guess not really uncommon- just that for the most of us here, we are step parents dealing with irrational bioparents in some form- not too far off your situation. It didn't clarify anything, so for me, I was quite thrown off track and not really sure where you were going with it. However, now that you have posted a little more information, now I can understand.
You are most welcome to vent your frustrations, by all means. You are dealing with issues that we are dealing with on the 'flip side' of the coin. So, this is quite interesting, I must say. So, by all means, post. I do hope that you approach this just as we do. I know for a fact that not ALL BMs are bad and out to get the SM, just as the SMs are not all out to get BM. Please understand that.
My situation is mine alone, just as yours is yours alone. Together, we can help each other. We share a common ground and that is dealing with an unstable mentally individual. In my book, someone stocking and harassing you is quite emotionally and mentally unstable.
I would ask that you please don't use your bitterness and resentment against your SM against US other step parents that have no connection to this. I would hate for you to generalize by your own personal experience that we are all like this... because we are not. I hope that helps. Please keep posting so that we may be able to help you better. I for one, would never even consider doing the things that you mentioned your children's SM is doing to you. I'm truly sorry to hear that. I think that is horrible to deal with, and NO ONE should have to go through that.
I think several of us here are BM's as well as SM's
I deal with both sides of this spectrum. For example I am a BM of three children and my X is remarried. However I don't ever post about my kids SM because I don't have any issues with her. I could not have chosen a better SM for my kids if I had hand picked her myself. She is very respectful to me and in the beginning she use to worry that she was over stepping her bounderies with my children. She would even call to ask me if it was okay to take my girls to a Mother daughter banquet at her church. I laughed at the time because I didn't know why she was asking me this. It was going on during their time with our kids. Then I realized that in many cases a BM can feel extremely jealous and intimidated by another women coming into her children's lives as a parental figure, and my kids SM was simply trying to reassure me that she was not trying to take over--only add too my children's life.
So then I met my Bf and he is divorced with two kids and I became an instant SM. I thought it would be a piece of cake--as easily as I had fallen into a mutual respect with my kids SM I believed the same would happen with me and my skids BM. However this women was having none of it. She immediately began causing problems. Going as far as to verbally attack me when the situation had nothing what so ever to do with me--but was a disagreement between her and BF. I was rudely awaken to the fact that not all BM"s accept a SM in their children's life as easily as I had. Because I can not change my skid's BM--I opt to change how we handle things with her-so as to give her as much space as she needs to keep her drama out of our life.
I don't recall anyone here ever saying that SM"s were perfect and it was always the BM who caused all the issues. In fact I know there are several blogs where SM's have admitted their fault in certain situations--or asked if what they did was wrong--and I think that they have recieved a variety of responses that come from a variety of situations.
You know you posted a letter that you admit was fake. Was that your way of lashing out because you didn't like what you were reading here? Is it possible that some of the things you read reflected your own behavior? I ask because I have had the same feelings at times. The realization that I have my faults as a BM/SM just as everyone else.
This isn't a place where we come just to bash BM's. It's a place where we come for support from others who are facing similar situations. We vent here--because we do not want to display negative behavior or thoughts to our skids. So NO--the skids do not know in most cases how we feel about their BM. My skds have never heard me say one negative thing about their BM--but they have come home and told me how much their BM doesnt like me or how they are only allowed to kiss and hug their BM. Or how about the ever clear message from my youngest SS when he says "My mom says you are not my mom and never will be" You going to tell me that he thought that one up on his own.
The point is don't get the impression that we feel we are perfect simply because we "vent" our frustrations here. Most of us are only looking for support and advice--which is what I feel this site is all about. I found this site while looking for info on how to deal with a BM in a blended family setting. The first thing I saw upon entering this place was the motto at the top that said "Step Talk. Where step parents come to vent." My first thought when I read some blogs was wow these people truly know what I"m going through.
If you came here for the same reason's--please continue to post. We do have some BM's who post here that are dealing with SM's that create problems and never once have I seen anyone reply to those BM's post with disrespect--only with understanding. I think it's safe to say that all of us understand our part in things. However you are not going to come to a place like this and post about the issues in your life that are working well--which is why you never hear me venting about my kids SM.
Her friend
I am the original poster's friend and I will tell you this. She doesn't have any contact with the SM. When I mean no contact I mean no contact. The SM will contact her through mail, email and phone calls. If you had heard or read the messages that I have seen it would make your blood boil. Anj doesn't have a problem with another woman being in the boys' lives in fact she encouraged her ex to date freely. She liked several of the women he was seeing. But this particular woman is highly abusive. During the divorce proceedings it came out through discovery that she had spent time in jail for breaking her son's arm. That scared Anj. It would scare anyone. So the custody was arranged that the soon to be SM would not be around when BF had the kids. That ticked off the SM, even though she wasn't there for the proceedings. That is when the harassment started. The hate notes, the threats, the late night phone calls, the tires being slashed, etc. To Anj's credit she never responded, she turned off her phone, she kept the letters and turned them over to her attorney. To clarify, in the four years since the divorce, the BF has had no contact with the kids. I have sat here and watched as Anj has had to deal with the ugliness coming from a woman she has never met. Yes, she is angry. She is angry that she has had to prove to several credit card companies that she did not take out cards. She has had to fight with the insurance companies to get her children back on the policy. The youngest has a heart problem. It is so sad to see her go through this and yet she doesn't bad mouth the SM to her children, nor to anyone else but me and her husband (who happens to be my ex.) She is a wonderful SM herself. We get along. Our kids are close. Her hubby is overseas right now working as a contractor. He knows what is going on. The boys have no idea. If they did they would tell me or their stepdad. I am glad that some of you get along with your BMs. I just wish that some of you realized that there are two sides to every story and after four years of harassment that never seems to stop I had hoped that she could finally vent before it consumed her. Open letters are an excellent way to deal with those feelings. Some of the things that I saw posted on here bother me as well. It seems that everyone has a beef with their BM but have you looked at the question beyond the question? What is that I am doing that would cause that reaction? Am I doing as much harm to the situation as the other person? How can I let go of those things that I cannot control? Believe me, Anj has let go of those very things that she cannot control (like who the boys' Sm is. but she can control the contact for the safety of those children). She moved out and divorced him when she found out that he was cheating. She never looked back. She never gave him the time of day. As far as some of the SMs here that are worried about spelling and grammar, I guess you haven't looked at all the other posts here. They are wrought with those same problems. And as far as the IEPs are concerned, I am a special ed advocate. What Anj was saying earlier is right on. The school can invite stepparents but if the custodial parent doesn't want you to be at the meeting for conflict reasons, i.e. bickering or nastiness, then the school has to honor those requests. So as far as Anj's behavior is concerned I don't know what else that she can do? She doesn't even know the phone number or address of the SM. She doesn't even contact her. The SM lives in another state, that is all that she knows. The boys' haven't even met the SM. Anji had no idea that he was marrying this woman until the divorce proceedings. She didn't even care. So the comment about seeing her own behavior in the posts is way out of line. She has done her soul searching and chose to have no contact at all. I have to admit that venting is good and some posts here are very reflective in nature and others are just downright ugly towards the BM. We all have the right to vent. Please just allow Anj to do it also. If her situation can help others understand another side it might help someone. I just wish that others had the SM my kids have.
My Opinion is.....
it doesn't matter if you are a SM or a BM or both. Either one could be a mean, irrational person. It's a people thing, not a SM or BM thing. Some people are just not nice. So if you take away all of the labels and just look at it on a people level, yeah, there are going to be bad SMs as well as BMs.
I think that your original letter was just a little shocking without any of your background info. That's all.
Welcome to Steptalk.
Anyone can have all of the terrible qualities mentioned and have all behaved in less than respectful ways I am sure at one time or another. Situations, especially stressful ones, can bring out negative qualities in people...even people who are primarily pretty nice folks.
Don't worry
Don't worry about it Dawn. Anji will not be posting on here anymore. I am so sorry that I ever told her to use this site as a way of venting. Her letter was pretty heartfelt and yes shocking. She has gone through a lot of abuse from the SM. If you saw what I have seen it would shock you even more. Good luck to all of you.
I think with what she has gone through
that she has every right to come here to vent. Yes, the things she has dealt with from the SM are horrible and unjustifiable. I'm sorry if Anji feels as if we have "driven her away". I don't think it's anyone's purpose here to alienate anyone.
That being said, when one person comes to unload some of their frustrations in a place like this, they're going to find...other parents (both step and bio, me included) needing to unload some of their frustrations. It is not an attack on parental status. It is not a personal attack. It is not a place to hate the other parent. I use this site as what it says it is ~ "a place to vent". It doesn't mean that I ever express these things to BM, and especially not to SS.
I'm sure Anji is a wonderful mother. I think she certainly has a right to be that SM. I don't understand why she would think that anyone here has a problem with her venting about the things that woman has done to her.
Which brings me to this point~ all I ask is the same courtesy~ to vent about problems I am having with the BM in my case without it being taken as I hate her and think that I'm "perfect". I know I'm not perfect....nobody is. I do personally believe, however, that there are certain people in life, and certain times where you realize a person is just toxic. A train wreck. I've seen, heard and been through a LOT of different stuff in my life~ I've known addicts, cheaters, boozers, prostitutes, mentally ill name it. Common sense would dictate to turn my back at the first sign of danger and destructiveness. But one could also be a "bigger person" and brush off the nastiness coming from the other parent. This is what "turning the other cheek" is ideally.
But I also feel there's a fine line between that and being a doormat.
It is great to give someone a second chance (or a third, or a fifth) and be able to be there for that person and see them evolve because they WANT to. When a person like Anj described, and many of us here deal with (me included)~ continues that kind of behavior over years and shows no signs of backing off of you or considering change....then it's toxic. And I don't think that avoiding that kind of person or expressing emotions over getting burned by them means you're being hateful, I think it's the difference between protecting yourself and family or just continually being emotionally and mentally abused by them.
That's the small thing that bothers me about the last post under Anji's name. I have actually asked myself these questions about if I am feeding into her actions and all....if you look at my earlier blogs you would see that. Not everything you see is a "bash" session, so please try not to judge a certain situation based off of a couple blogs posted during a stressful instance.
Second, there are sometimes I think that you can ask those questions and honestly come up with the answer No, you are not feeding into SM's or BM's actions. Did Anj think that SM did that because of something Anj did? I would say that that SM did those things because she is sick and abusive and needs help. Letting go of what can't be controlled~ now yes, THAT is something we can consider. But this is where I also feel that "venting" helps...normally everyone has a choice to just cut toxic people out of their lives. Ending friendships. Finding a new job. Divorcing our spouses. But when it comes to SK's and those dynamics, we cannot just "get rid" of them. We can avoid or limit contact or take certain measures. But these issues will have a kind of unseen "presence" in our lives. And if they are negative and abusive then we need a way to deal with that negativity.....and one way is to have a safe place to vent
To shorten this~ Anj is more than welcome to express her feelings at her situation, and comment on others even. But please try to understand that when others are venting, we may not be in the position to take someone defending the other parent's side. We're already getting that from them. As far as the IEP issue in my blog, I was not debating with Anj because I was trying to undermine her....I explained why my H has been advised not to go alone with her. If you and her disagree with me, that is your opinion and I don't expect that to change, just as I don't think BM will change her mind either. But I know that my H will not agree to go alone with her either, as that would be deliberately ignoring our marital therapy. I felt like Anj was just saying for us to "sacrifice Peter (our recovery) to save Paul" (what BM wants). H and I would like to be there for SS, but not at the expense of bringing more trouble into our marriage, like BM wants. Yes, they did tell my H that I should come. But BM is not doing this to avoid nastiness and bickering from me. SS has never had a conflict with me. And when BM drops him off and picks him up, we all keep to ourselves, so that the kids do not see fighting. The only reason she wants to keep me away is so she can take pleasure in driving a wedge between my H and I... and pretending that her and my H and their son are one little happy family, so that she won't think of herself as a mistress...she will think it "belongs" that way. No, I do not support that and I don't see how that is the right thing for us to do. Anyway, the way it stands now, we'll see if he can just meet with the team at a different time, or I guess he just won't go because of BM being adamant about not seeing me there.
Ok...I think this should be half a novel!
Take care and be blessed
Anji, stay around
Anji, I hope you're still around...and I'm glad you have the support you need via the lawyer, police, family and BM of your SKids. IMO I thought your letter was heartbreaking and it was brave of you to share it all.
Please stay and continue to share with us how this debacle is shaking out. Stay around and vent, I'll listen. I had a pretty amazing BM for my skids. I'm the wicked one.
I find this interesting.
So, a friend has to step in and vouch for Anji- using Anji's ID when the rough gets tough? Hmmm... interesting. I guess that works if you need to protect ones self from "bio bashing". Is that what Anji is afraid of, that people will bash her here?
Well, speaking to Anji- hun, you have a lot of crap flying your way, obviously. There are diffidently serious issues going on that you have a right to be upset about and vent all you want. But I don't understand how you feel that this place isn't for you, or that "BMs are the only bad ones" as you put it. From where I sit, I've been lurking around here long enough to know that everyone here has a story to tell and none of it is "personal". What I do see is that new individuals come in, they are vulnerable, spill out their hearts, and go through a "learning curve", so to say. They internalize things greatly.
What you may find as harsh, bashing, or critical may actually be just the opposite. A lot of the ladies, and a few gents, have a common "clique" and are very candid with one another. They know each others personalities, stories/situations, follow each others daily activities, they have been here for a while. In essence, they are online friends, buddies, that can freely commence "bashing", as you put it, their BM because the reality is that most of us here are SM's and we can do so without fear of retaliation. So many of us have the same issues, over and over, and it sounds like you have the same thing too. The only difference is that you are the BM, she is the SM. So, what? You're two people dealing with the same thing that I am on a different scale. I could care less if you are a BM or a SM, you have to deal with someone that is very vindictive for whatever reason.
So, my suggestion is just sit back a little bit if your uncomfortable, get to know people, and then you'll understand- Oh, now I get it! The ah ha moment will happen, the light bulb will go off, but you have to be willing to accept a little criticism from time to time. You also have to be willing to participate from time to time. I have found that here, you really have to put your foot forward a little at a time and people are very supportive to everyone. The worst thing you can do is internalize off of what someone else is going through. Let's just focus on your situation. Tell us a little more about what's going on.
With that said, no one has rightly said to you "Oh.. you're a BM. YOU ARE NOT WELCOMED!" have they? I surely hope not- I'll go kick their butt for you! Then vent your heart out lady! I'll listen.
(I love these new smilies!)
You sometimes have to have thick skin to post...
Don't take anything that is said here too personally. I get your letter and I understand what you are saying. It sounds as though you are very strong and looking for answers for a better way to deal with things. Have you considered counselling? This is a much more supportive, non-judgmental place to go with your innermost feelings. Sending you peace, Anji!
Why does it matter???
Bio/Step mom i'm both ,,,my comment what\why\who cares if the if your relationship/marriage was from an affair or not??? What difference does it make, really in the takes 2 to tangle so it obvousily wasn't right!!!