OT - Tone-Up Tuesday
Happy Tuesday, STalkers!! Did you overeat on Thanksgiving? Gorge on tasty leftovers? I did well on turkey day - ate a late breakfast to tide me over and ate a small plate of appetizers. My dinner plate consisited of small spoonfuls of things I wanted (except for that homemade cranberry sauce - I ate half a cup of that tasty tartness!). And then came the pie. I ate 2 small pieces, but that put me outside of my comfort zone. Ugh.
And now we're in full swing of holiday celebrations. Dinner out, get-togethers with friends and family. Some folks go to work parties... Here are some ways to help you avoid overeating at another holiday gathering.
Before the big meal:
- Do NOT skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast means you are more likely to overindulge at dinner. Late lunch celebration? Eat a late breakfast.
- Eat a snack before the big meal with satisfying, protein-rich choices like egg whites and whole grain bread, plain Greek yogurt or nuts.
During the big meal:
- Drink a big glass of water before you eat.
- LOOK at everything before making your final food choices. Choose the foods you really want or rarely get and keep the portion small. You can usually go back for seconds!
- Aim to fill half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables (salad, asparagus and green beans) and fruit. These foods are high in fiber and will help to fill you up without making you feel bloated and tired. SKIP the sauces, gravy, and dressing when possible.
TIP: Get your salad dressing on the side. Dip the tines of your fork into the dressing before getting a forkful of salad. - If you can, take a walk after the meal and before dessert. Walking helps to carry oxygen to your digestive tract, meaning food moves through you faster.
- Chew gum. It gives you something to chew on instead of empty calories. I don't know about you, but minty gum usually ruins the taste of most foods, so I won't eat anything after I start chewing gum.
And if you still overindulge and feel puffy and bloated?
- Start your morning with a tall glass of warm lemon water. Warm water is less of a shock to your sensitive morning body than ice-cold water and a fresh squeezed lemon will help jump-start your digestion to get some of that heavy, fatty foods out of your system.
- Drink water throughout the day!! Water helps speed up digestion and counteracts the effect of salt and carb-induced bloating. Plus being well-hydrated will ensure that you don’t mistake thirst for hunger. Choose plain water, tea or seltzer and aim for 8-10 glasses throughout the day.
- Scramble some eggs and add COOKED vegetables. Cooked veggies are easy to digest and full of nutrients like potassium and other electrolytes. Avoid raw veggies as they can be hard to digest and can create even more bloat.
- Drink some spicy tea. Warming spices like cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric, and ginger stimulate digestion and ease nausea.
- Aniki-Moderator's blog
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I ate basically half a turkey
I ate basically half a turkey and a whole pan of potatoes myself...
But the good news is. My body handled it like a champ! All it did was make me want to fall asleep half way through black friday shopping. LMAO
Good advice as always aniki!!! I've been doing protein shakes for breakfast after the gym. Delicious option! Especially when your stomach hasn't quite woken up enough for anything else!
Good for you, PA! That
Good for you, PA! That freakin' pie. It was soooooo good! I'm finally back on track with healthier eating. Last night, I walked the treadmill for 20 minutes. Had to stop because I had a pounding headache that intensified with walking. Dammit!
I just made a protein shake suggestion to one of my coworkers who is dieting, but desperate for things to CHEW. Chop up fruit or berries and put them in a popsicle mold. Fill the mold with a protein shake and freeze. A healthier alternative you can bite!
Strawberries are the best!
Strawberries are the best! Low chance of weight gain and they taste delicious!!!
Great advice, I admit I have
Great advice, I admit I have fallen off the wagon lately and my pants are letting me know it, but heck that's what new years is for.
Advice, I've been off the
Advice, I've been off the wagon for much too long!!
We may have over indulged but
We may have over indulged but we were eating breakfast, lunch then dinner and had to walk to each restaurant so burnt the pounds before they hit my gorgeous thunder thighs!!!
I had some amazing Shrimp Creole for my Thankgiving dinner. Now DH and I are trying to figure out how to go away every Thanksgiving!
Classy, I would love to get
Classy, I would love to get away for the holidays!! Unfortunately, that never seems to be an option for us because we gone a week in either October or November to winterize the family vacation home.
I now have Shrimp Scampi on my radar...
Hola Aniki!
Hola Aniki!
I over indulged in apple & sweet potato pie. I just couldn't resist but it's ok.......I enjoyed every moment of it
Are you making anything special for Christmas?
Wishing you a great day darlin'!
Hola Siempre!!
Hola Siempre!!
I always make ham for Christmas. And pie. Thinking about making a Salted Caramel Cheesecake this year...
We were out of the country
We were out of the country for a long weekend! No Thanksgiving there! And I came down with a cold for a couple days so wasn't feeling all that great. But by Thanksgiving eve I was feeling much better, so we had a fantastic seafood dinner, a glass of bubbly and a glass of wine (really holding back there because that bubbly was wonderful, but I wasn't 100% yet).
We did a lot of walking and I got some much needed rest. Of which is just as important as excercise sometimes.
Cover, I'd take seafood over
Cover, I'd take seafood over turkey any day of the week!