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OT - Eff Off Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

This has been the week from He!!. Feels like I've been working for 3 weeks straight instead of 5 days. Argh!!! And now, time to put that bullet feature to work.

Eff off to:

  • People who live in a snowy area and constantly WHINE about the snow
  • Arseholes who have their cell phones glued to their ear while they drive POORLY (because of the cell phone)
  • Major Arseholes who TEXT while driving
  • People who jaywalk. Some days, I'd like to have a big arm on my car that sweeps them back onto the sidewalk!
  • Idiot managers who are miffed that you didn't attend a VOLUNTARY meeting because you were working with the BOSS on something that's due in an hour. Oh, yeah, sure. Let me tell my boss I cannot work on this CRITICAL issue because I have to attend a voluntary, BULLSH!T meeting. Riiiiiiiiight. The boss's boss will not be P!SSED, either. I'm so sorry that I consider the JOB more important than the FLUFF. Freaking NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Diablo


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Eff off to allergies...

I'd go on, but I'm REALLY pissed about those right now...

Peridwen's picture

Eff off to hardware that smugly tells you that the dvds you've burned from 3 separate effing sources on two different dvd burners are all corrupted before you then spend 6 effing hours watching the one dvd it accepted run the update, then the effing box effing DIES as the update completes! Eff you technology, eff you!

Dash 1 Grrrr

Also eff off to drivers who cannot hold a steady speed on the freeway!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Sucks when that happens!!!

Yeah.. speed UP, slow DOWN, speed UP, slow DOWN.... Sad

Tiger7's picture

We have these in my office sometimes but its comprised of us having mimosas.  Love those days....the boss is mad cool!  LOL

I do agree with Eff off to bad drivers tho

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Tiger, I want to work there!!!

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

Add people who swerve in and out of traffic lanes on the freeway, while not using blinkers, and leaving less than a car length space between them and who they are passing.

Or people who pull in front of Simi trucks then slow down expecting the trucks to be able to stop on a dime.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

DFTT, don't you know you're supposed to be PSYCHIC and KNOW what these buggers are going to do??

A truck-driver friend of mine taught a driving class (people with lots of tickets). His advice? When it's you and the semi? YOU WILL LOSE EVERY TIME. That's solid advice.

classyNJ's picture

Its FRIDAY!!! EFF off to:

SS who has to be told 4 times to take out the trash.

To my fur baby that has been waking me up every morning at 4:25!!!  His clock is broken

Aniki-Moderator's picture

What will fur baby do this weekend when we spring forward an hour?

What are the consequences of SS having to be asked 4x? NOT acceptable. Twice is once too many.

classyNJ's picture

Fur baby will be waking someone else up LOL  

Since SS15 is down to having nothing in his room, no phone and no door the only thing SO can say is if I have to tell you one more time - no baseball tomorrow.  SMH  

Cover1W's picture

EFF off to:

My cold which has been with me for 1.5 weeks.  Every day is a little better but I'd like it to just be done.

SD14 who didn't show up after school at our place again.

DH's work so he can have a night off to relax.

My co-worker who doesn't like her job and it shows and no, I'm not going to comiserate with you.

Cover1W's picture

Check out my blogs.  The sh!t is hitting the fan.  She's being a beyotch, is mad at DH for not putting up with her attitude and has run home to BM who is encouraging her choices and behaviour...running away from conflict is apparently ok.  If she doesn't like our rules, then go to BMs.

Dovina's picture

Entitled spoiled skids

Entitled spoiled SD's

Entitled spoiled SS's

Entitled spoiled BM's

Disney Dads

Circle of Moms (checked that out when site was down *shok*)


Aniki-Moderator's picture


A HUGE EFF OFF to my arsehole coworkers who are next to me, working on a problem, talking LOUDLY and CUSSING while I am on a freaking conference call. *dash1**dash1**dash1*

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Can you use a shovel? Diablo

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Mine keeps it too cold... He had the AC blasting 62 last night. I died... Then turned on the heat...

queensway's picture

AC blasting at 62 is cold. You must be in a warm climate. In the summer we keep the AC at 68.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Depeneds on the day. Last week we were at 80 degrees. this week it was 28 when I woke up... So i don't really know what the weather is doing... LOL

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I like to keep the temp at 62. The days my DH is cold, he cranks it up to 70 and I'm walking around in shorts and a tank top.

queensway's picture

I like the temp 62 at night. But DH doesn't. He always says he is cold and turns it up. He does it with him phone after I fall asleep. Sneaky devil.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

We turn it down to 60 at night. If I had MY way, it'd be 55-58! It baffles me because DH puts off some serious body heat. I, on the other hand, am a human icicle. At 60, DH is huddled under the covers...and I'm under a sheet!

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I can do cold Aniki. I think the biggest issue is the fact the AC points DIRECTLY at us while we sleep. LOL.

He got it going low enough the other day that the AC literally froze and stopped working the rest of the day... That was a nice afternoon... It's been in the 50s outside... So the house didn't get hot... Just didn't have the cold air blasting ice shards all over the house.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Gads, woman! What do you do when it's REALLY hot??

While 50s is shorts weather (for me), I cannot imagine having the AC on when it's in the 50s.

BTW, I luuuuuuuurrrrvvvv sitting in front of the AC vent!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I'll take mosquitos over black flies. Nothing like being up to the nose in water....and the black flies settle on you like a hoodie!

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Bleck! No thank you!

I'm really awful when it comes to mosquitos though... I got bit by one the other day and it swelled up the the circumfrence of a baseball.. LMAO. They eat me and my body hates it. Something about my blood... DH can get ZERO bites, meanwhile I'm on bite 20 over there trying to bathe in bug spray...

Aniki-Moderator's picture

And deer fly chum and black fly chum... I could wallow in a cow patty and mosquitos would still bite me. There could be one mosquito in a 5-mile radius and I'm surround by 1000 people... That one mosquito will HUNT ME DOWN.  I once sprayed myself aaaaaaaalll over with Off... and got bitten on the earlobe and lips. WTF!!!

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

That's how they are with me! I HATE it! 

I was wakeboarding last summer and got bit.... All the sudden this crazy itch on my leg... How does that even happen???

queensway's picture

Horse flies hurt if you get bit. They are out during the hot summer afternoons. Not at night. But I hate all insects.

I to have a problem with pollen. I think you said you did. During pollen season I use a clean pillow case every night. It does help if you are outdoors a lot.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I literally was pretty sure I was going to keel over last night queensway... I walked out to my car after work and there was a LAYER of pollen... I'll have to give the fresh pillow cases a try... Because this is absolutely awful!

I can do bugs, except spiders, flies (including the biting varieties), Mosquitos, beetles, ticks... So basically anything that might bite me. LMAO

Aniki-Moderator's picture

PA, are you allergic to mosquto venom? I am. I once ended up in the ER because I got about 30 bites in a very short time. The bites swelled up like crazy and I had trouble breathing.

Sweet T's picture

Eff off to my herniated disc or whatever it is  that has caused my leg and knee burn in continuous pain. I have to use a dann cane and I wrench my knee about 10 times a day.


I had an MRI today so I won't have a treatment plan till Monday. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Sorry to hear that, Sweet T! I hope there's a simple, non-invasive solution.

Sweet T's picture

Thanks, I am hoping they give me something today for the pain. We were doing some prednisone but are tapering off so the pain has gotten bad. My knee went out and I could barely walk at work.


I am working from home today because there is no school. Thankfully my employer is amazing.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Are those any help? Tramadol can be taken with ibuprofen to give that pain double-pain whammy. It does, however make some people sleepy. My DH gets sleepy, but I do not.

Sweet T's picture

Good to know, so far nothing has been called in. I am icing my back while I work.


My son has been awesome. He is so helpful. He carried in all my grocery shopping,  washed the dog, emptied the dishwasher, and anything else I ask.


Makes me proud that at 10 almost 11 I know he will not be like some of the kids people talk about on herr.

Thumper's picture

women who crack and snap their gum. 

Neighbors who drive into our development and do NOT use their turn signals.


Feminist such as designer Norma Kamali  who appears to wish society to remove men from being male. Oh the odacity you say Ms. Kamali,  that a man should hold open the door for you to walk thru.  SORRY Ms. Kamali not all men are evil, not all men grope women. And guess what I LOVE real men. So, back off real men with real manners.

Mothers who are crack heads.


queensway's picture

My DH and my sons hold open the door for me. I think it is manners. It is the way you were raised. It has nothing to do with being a real man.

Thumper's picture

Queens way I totally agree it is manners,,,and  if you could have heard this woman speak. She was offended by a man at a resturant holding the door for her. She continued by saying ALL men still hold ALL  the power over women and all men do is man'splain their actions away. Also, that men think (powerphasing) helping with housework, or men helping to raise kids is good enough.

Her poor guest was a gay guy and SHE kept pressing him to say that YES HE too sexualizes women.

Total man shaming by this lady---I was ready to spit.

She was born in the 1940, by the 60's she would have been right in the middle of bra burning and the start of the feminist movement with Gloria Steiman.  This may be long before your time Wink

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Manners, IMHO. I've held the door open for older folks AND for people who are close behind me.

One day, I held the door for a man behind me, who happened to be in a wheelchair, and he verbally REAMED me for it. I told him that I was raised to have manners and was holding the door open because he was behind me, NOT because he was in a wheelchair. His response? "WhatTheF*ckEver". So I released the door and let it close in his d*mn face.

queensway's picture

I will check her out. Not my kind of gal pal for sure.

As far as bra burning goes I pay to much for bras to burn them. Plus my girls look much better in a bra. Geez I wish that wasn't true but it is SO  true.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I LOATHE gum snappers. It grates on my nerves so badly, I have to walk away before I rip that gum out of the offending mouth and stuff it up their left nostril. Grrrrrrrr..... Diablo