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Way way OT, Pressure cook for canning question if anyone else does this.....

anabihibik's picture

Unless you count that I'm a full-time SM feeding my SS home-canned food.....
I'm having way more issues in the kitchen than as a SM. That parts easy right now. I'm looking at purchasing an All-American and can't decide on the 15.5 qt or the 21.5 qt size. I have a huge stockpot from my SIL for water bath canning quart-sized jars. So, I'm just trying to decide if I really need another gigantic pot or if the smaller one will work. Hood height is currently a non-issue, and I don't have a glass-top range. Any thoughts, suggestions, things you love and things you hate on the subject?


april may's picture

well i like cooking! you should buy a cookbook and be more familiar with it. that way you will like it more because when you know how to do something, you start to get good at it and then it becomes easy to you and when all that health happens, you start to like to do it!