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Is It Normal for a Husband to Be This Weird Acting During a Pregnancy????????

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I'm due to a son with dh in 3 months. This was an unplanned pregnancy and for the first 3 months we were both pretty apprehensive about telling everyone. My husband's apprehension was based on his embarrassment about not being totally financially secure. My apprehension was because my dh was embarrassed. It kind of made me feel ashamed and inadequate that my husband was so worried. Anyway, almost six months in, and my husband isn't still isn't discussing anything related to this pregnancy with me or anyone else. Not even with his/my own family.

How Do I Get Out of This

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I work from home and I have kept my SS8 yesterday and today. I don't feel like doing it tomorrow and next week. I feel like I'm being taking advantage of. I have to kick and scream to get my husband to help me with stuff, but it's like he just expects me to do everything for his kid like it's my bio child. I hate to keep bringing up my pregnancy, but I'm hot and uncomfortable and don't feel like babysitting. To me, that is a perk of working from home...being on my own time. Plus I have some errands I need to run and I don't feel like dragging my SS around.

My Husband is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO YOUR SON IS NOT MY BIO KID WHEN ITS BENEFICIAL FOR YOU A**HOLE!!!!!

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Yesterday I blogged about my husband not getting a sitter for SS8 so I can go to a funeral. Well, today he said he had already reserved the sitter and didn't tell me b/c he was pissed off that I asked him about it. Now....get this...he said that I shouldn't have a problem with taking SS to a funeral because it he were by bio kid I would suck it up and do it. LOOOOOLLLLLLLLL!!!!! I told him yes, I would because if I had to, because first of all, this would be my bio kid's family.

Can't Believe this BullSh*** He Pulls

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Now we have SS8 eow and all summer. He just came back from a 4 day vacay with bm. His summer camp has ended and I work from home. I told my husband I could watch him SOME days over the next couple of weeks, but tomorrow I have to go to a funeral so he needs to get a sitter. I asked him... just now... where i need to take SS in the morning and replied "he's staying with you". WTHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!????????? He said "he can go to the funeral...he has dress clothes" WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!???????? Now mind you SS is adhd and acts up/defies authority EVERYWHERE he goes.

Husband Doesn't Want This Baby...So Should He Have to Help Pay?????

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My DH was clear that right now would be bad financial timing for a baby. Although, he never said what type of financial situation would constitute a good time, I agreed with him. I wanted to wait at least another year, but here I am...pregnant...w/o prenatal and maternity insurance. Anyway,my husband's only 2 attitudes toward me right now are indifference and...well...pretty damn mean and negative. Bills for my care are starting to roll in and I feel funny asking him to help me with this.


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I really really want kids...just wasnt financially ready right now. Lost job and health ins last year and had been pretty much been relying on savings. Working now, but job doesnt have benefits. Slipped up, popped up pregnant. Very little money, no ins...husband's job does offer ins, but it's very expensive and open enrollment isn't until jan. (I'm due in February) We don't qualify for government assistance b/c we both work a lot. (Already applied and got denied) Husband is clearly frustrated and unable to provide any real emotional support or financial support.

DH Refused to truly admit that his kid has major issues

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when i first met dh, the sun rose and set on ss8 (i met him when he was 3). if dh told ss to take off his shoes and ss replied "no, because I want to be ready to leave when you leave" dh would laugh and call his son cute because "he always want to go somewhere with daddy". i watched as dh never really fully corrected disrespecful behavior and whenever i said something about it, i was accused of not liking his son. now ss is diagnosed adhd and getting suspended from second grade. dh wants to blame all the behavior on the result of bm's parenting.


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ss8 lives with bm and attends school about 20 miles accross town. dh had ss involved in sports on OUR side of town this past fall. dh would commute from his job (on our side of town) to ss's side of town to pick him up and then back to our side of town for football and then back to bm's to drop off ss. Whew...did yall get all that...I'll say it again

dh-ss (20 mi)
from ss house-football (20 mi)
from football-ss house (20 mi)
from ss house-home (20 mi) 2x per week

DH Shouldn't Keep Falling For This...

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My dh is usally the one to facilitate all sporting activities with ss8. this season he decided not to sign him up for bball b/c of some school/behavioral issues and the lack of help he gets with facilitation from bm. Well bm signed up ss8 for bball. The thing is that every Friday night, she has ss8 call his dad (when it's not our w/e) and ask him to take him to the bball games. Well, this wouldn't be a problem if she had discussed transportation with us before she signed him up.
