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some post

Akimeter's picture

Hellow i am Max, i am 17 years old i like play footblall!


Constantly_guilty's picture

For his next trick he will tell us that his father died and left him a large bank account filled with cash and he's chosen us to put it in our bank while he is in hiding from the Russian mobsters that killed his father.

Selkie's picture


stepmom008's picture

Is this for real? Now I've seen it all.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

Akimeter's picture

Yes i real person Smile
I don't understand this sentences "Are you also a step-parent ?", my english so bad.

Constantly_guilty's picture

Akimeter, you went online trying to find friends with whom to converse in English and you came up with us?

You're going home with a whole lot of sassy bitchbragging, cheddar biscuit and panty references, I'm afraid.

TheWife's picture

And don't forget ECP references!


Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

Jbee27's picture

I'm throwing down my "Harvard" degree in ECP Therapy.
Come with me young Simba, I will cure you. Teach-a you suma Engrish!

TheWife's picture

I'm calling Bullshit on his deck of cards.


Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

StepChicka's picture

I got it! LOL

Don't feed the't talk(feed) to this wayward poster(animal).

Now that sounds kinda mean. Oh well. Still funny!

DISbelief's picture

HAHAHAHA... this one is FUNNNNNYYYY!!!!!


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

truelightbeing's picture

I think this is a good running prank.
Me can talk um good wurds too.
It so eazy a caveman can do it.

Check this guys IP, he might be one of those nigerian "You won a lottery just send checking accout numbers to claim" guys. LOL

"Love is harmony and harmony is the vibration of the music that binds the universe."

luckykell's picture

He doesn't speak English, he can't spell football....but he knows the word "post" is what we do on "blogs"? I'm not buying it either!

"Live well, Love much, Laugh often."

Nemo's picture

LOL this is great! He's pretty good with his puncuation though.... Wonder who's BM/BF this is....

****There are 3 sides to every story. Yours, mine, and the truth.**** -THE WIFE

DISbelief's picture

Yeah... I noticed that to. With quotes in the right places. I am pretty sure those are only used in the english language.. along with apostrophes. Too funny.


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

butterfly2010's picture

LOL he's just some dumb-ass towel-head tryin to scam us all. anyone knows what this site is. and.....MYSPACE and FACEBOOK are NETWORKING sites from ALL OVER THE WORLD!!! LOL, i call bullshit on this one too.

here's how steptalk works, hussein.......we TALK about the STEPS we are going to take to destroy idiotic camel-jockies like YOU, and we use this as our cover...oops, i fed the dog.

Nemo's picture

I second that OMG!

****There are 3 sides to every story. Yours, mine, and the truth.**** -THE WIFE

butterfly2010's picture

omg what? this jerk is probably a disgruntled bf or bm of someone's. or some hacker or spammer or whatever. i get emails from these types of idiots all the time. its annoying so why not put them in their place?

sorry, had a rough encounter with bm, skids acting up, and my brother is the ultimate asshole. i guess maybe i freaked out a bit.

Selkie's picture

He started this post with about 10 different links to viral sites then decided to have a little fun. Go away spamming troll.