Is BM Entitled to Tax Documents?
This is the first year that my husband and I will be filling a joint tax return. I was wondering if BM is entitled to see our tax statements. I really don't want her to see how much I make or my deductions.
Any advise on this one?
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Yes ma'am...
at least in Colorado she can. She can file a demand for proof of income including W-2's and tax statements. I just handed the last three years over to BM a few months ago.
DH and I don't file jointly though. I would think that you could maybe white out any information pertaining to you, because THAT she is not entitled to.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
That is what I thought. So
That is what I thought. So I am going to the tax accountant to try to figure out if I can file Married filing separately. I am worried that she will figure out how much money we make now that we are married and will take him back to court for more CS and Spousal Support. She is ruthless when it comes to money.
Check with an attorney...
every State is different, in my State, bm's are allowed to know financial status and income of live in gf's/bf's and spouses of ncp. They want to make sure ncps' aren't hiding money in SO's so in my State even if you file married but separate, cp's can still demand all bank statements, tax returns, proof of income, and cancelled checks.
Like I said....check with an attorney. It's not always worth investigating the incomes of spouses, remember for everything they ask through their attorney, it costs them too.
No way. Your H would have to show his W2 if you went to court for CS, but what you make is none of her business.
In a court of law they cannot use your income to determine how much he gives her. Who gets the kd deduction on the taxes?
I agree with Sparky
Yes to your H's tax docs but NO WAY to yours but check with someone in the professional realm for the rules of your state. You are not responsible to her for ANYTHING and it's NONE OF HER EFFING BUSINESS ANYWAY. If she ever has the nuts to ask you again for yours or anything else, tell her "bite me and f you and the broom you flew in on".
Some men are like martinis: dry, very cold and they think they are fabulous because of the two olives dangling down at the bottom of their swizzle stick...Anonymous
Yes, either party can request it
Either parent can request (or subpoena) tax returns, etc. One of our attorneys stated this, but not for either parent but for the BM's mom. The reason this was brought up was b/c the BM stated that she was paying her mother $3120 annually to watch SD. We knew this wasn't true thus the attorney requested BM's mom's income tax documents showing BM's mom was getting paid this amount. That's when BM stopped saying she was paying her mother.
In Texas the step or significant other is not supposed to count.
I'm not sure about how much they can request to see though. I would feel the same way about your personal info. BM's attny is requesting all that junk from us too, and we filed jointly last year, but I no longer work so good luck to um if they're trying to say we have more. Definently check with an attorney.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I---
I took the one less traveled by,
and that made all the difference. -Robert Frost-
My Income does not count in SC either
In my state a spouse, SO, etc does not count into the CS factor. EX cannot get more CS because I bring more money into our household. That would really irk me, but only because I know the CS is not going to my SD.
It shows when SD wears hole-filled, dirty clothes and shoes too small (etc).
"Sometimes you have to test the limits to show you're not a doormat."