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Public Service Announcement

Admin's picture

Seems like it's time for another public service announcement regarding the StepTalk Terms of Use policies and the behaviors we will not tolerate.

As a reminder, users of this site are not responsible, nor should they take on the responsibility, to police this site. If you come across spammers, harassment, or anyone who is otherwise violating the rules of this site, please report them by sending a PM to Dawn or an email to [email protected] and provide a link to evidence. Let us deal with abusing users. We don't have many resources but we do attempt to respond as quickly as we can.

In general, if you can't provide feedback in a way that is not abusive or harassing to the original poster, than do not interact with them. That includes hijacking the posters thread with off-topic comments. It is not welcome and will cause you to lose your ability to continue using this site.

Abusers, as we moderate (i.e. remove) content from the site that violates our terms, we are also reporting this content to our anti-spam services. What this means is that if you are flagged too many times for abusing our terms you will eventually lose the ability to interact on this site.



1StepForward2's picture

"In general, if you can't provide feedback in a way that is not abusive or harassing to the original poster, than do not interact with them. That includes hijacking the posters thread with off-topic comments. It is not welcome and will cause you to lose your ability to continue using this site."

This is not being enforced. Look at the posts where there are over 100 responses - it goes so off topic with people arguing and insulting each other when the OP just asked a simple question. The answers have nothing to do with her request. People should only respond when they can identify with the poster. There are plenty of us who can offer support who have had similar situations. We never get a chance. Only respond if you can offer SUPPORT. Too many people on here with way too much time on their hands and nothing supportive to offer - just looking for a reaction at the poster's expense. Very sad really.

1StepForward2's picture

I just want to emphasize how important it is to have responses from those who can relate, especially to someone new. If you can't relate, don't respond. Also too many people with strong advice without sharing a shred of their own situations so they obviously don't have a clue as to what the poster is going through just giving unwanted advice. Makes me wonder if some of these people are in a step family situation at all.