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sd16 on bad sites

acep74's picture

we have it on good advice .. that the older sd16 is putting nude photos of herself on some very pornographic sites, and also visitng other sites. We r very concerned , this girl only last yr put a charge on a 18 yr old of sex with a minor . Makes me wonder ?
So we sent a message via face book to the ex's partner as they wont answer our phone calls.
If they do nothing who can we reportthis too? Would they do anything with her being 17 in a few months? She has a boyfriend who is nearly 20yrs old with a young son. We dont feel this is healthy after everything she claimed she went through. But as usual pay your cs but stay out of their life? Can we do anything ?


2Bloved's picture

Have you tried notifying the site itself? You can't do much about her visiting those sites, and even if they cancel her account, she can just make up another one. You can ask them to block her IP address, so she would be unable to log in again from that particular computer. <--that is possible, right? They are most likely unaware that she is a minor, as things like that are hard to verify over the internet.

Nymh's picture

To answer your question of if they would do anything with her being 17 in a few months - YES. 17 is still a minor and pictures of this nature are FELONIES.

I would notify the websites that she is visiting that she is a minor and her IP address should be blocked.

Also be VERY careful what you say about this in posts on the internet and in emails. ALL posts that mention things of this nature are picked up by the FBI and read.

These things are taken very seriously by the authorities. If you haven't seen the news coverage on "sexting" lately, I suggest you look it up - lots of teens are getting serious repercussions for texting and posting these types pictures of themselves.

This is a very serious matter and it needs to be stopped immediately. If I were you, I would have your H tape record a conversation where he tells SD's mother about this and that he demands an end to be put to it. If the mother does nothing, she might be charged too.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*