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hello everyone and especialy aussies :)

acep74's picture

I have been fairly busy the past few months , settling into the new posting locality, and fighting the CSA agency . Hubby lost the objections. of course.
And they garnished his wages for cs a fortnight which leaves us very short on our budget.
CSA attacked me for not working ... i look after our 4 kids. 2 have special needs and hubby is away alot with his work..... well anyway we have took it the SSAT appeal tribinal board. The appeal is in may hope we get some kind of luck and at least halve it.... For 2 girls who want nothing to do with him, no input or nothing but his cs ..
we did get a copy of the court order which the school should of had the past 10 yrs and sent it to the school. The older daughter returned to the mother after all the stuff she pulled to be with 3rd party.
I wrote many many letters these past few months of the hassle from csa about me not working . And something good came out of it, as others have been complaining too about the coa process and some of the new laws here in Australia. They have hired a project manager to investigate . If you have any comments you may wish to leave u go to the site Family Law web guide its the topic under CSA COA REVIEW UNDERWAY.
Also a senator here Steve Fielding isnt happy with the family laws and want comments
so hope to get back into chatting with you all . Cheers


Most Evil's picture

Why should a SM be required to work when a BM can sit on her *ss for life apparently and be supported by their ex (for supposedly 'child' support, like ours)? You are a mother too!!!

I am glad you are fighting back and I hope you get some justice!! Please keep us posted.

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

acep74's picture

thanks for your support ladies Smile