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anyone else out there an aussie? or just ideas?

acep74's picture

well got new estimate today as hubby has done tax.... now they would like $450 a month for CSA ... dont have to pay yet till old agreement ends in november , but its still taking its effect on me.
How in the hell can my hubby support 4 kids on his wage plus the sd's,? 2 of our kids have special needs, i dont work at present as our bs is waiting on groments and comes home from school regular sick, and hubby being in the army could be called away unexpeceted, at the new unit he will be away quite alot.... this is so !#*#! so what do i do? my letters i sent out , some officails have replyed that they cant help, i'll re-write them and send them again , someone will get sick of me and hopefully help. There must be men or women in the goverment who have had some of these issues why cant someone stand up and make a noise too. Media shows dont want to hwlp either, but this is a topic world wide even though different goverments run each country but there is unfair advantage out there which usually equals screwing the man who does the right thing!


frustratedinMA's picture


So the new agreement is a total of $450/mth for how many sd's?? I can tell you, my dh is in the US Military and has 2 children. He pays her $850/mth, not to mention the $100/mth to put in a college savings thing for them and then another $50 in insurance on them.

Is there a gov't program that you can apply to in Australia for help w/your two special needs children? Check w/your military's program. I think I had read the US military pays an add'l $1k a month to service members that have a special needs child to care for.

lil_teapot's picture

there are so many 'dollar dads' in australia. it's cheaper for hubby to not work, collect government money and then have the dollar deducted from his government check to pay the kids c.s. I'm not saying that's the right thing to do, but it is so hard for men to not be racked for c.s. that alot of them quit/get sacked because it's cheaper to just not work and have the tiny amount of c.s. taken out of their government check.

fyi, i'm not an aussie, but I was married to one (my exH) and we lived down there for 4 years. He had a b.d. from his first ew....the b.m. racked him for every penny he could much that we couldn't afford to have kids. And he always talked about how these guys would have to go on government assistance in order to pay their c.s. bills