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abijs's picture

Am new to this site but thank goodness I've come across it. Just hope no one I know in real life ever catches me out on here as I am simply bursting to make a confession and feel that I might find a little understanding here rather than criticism...

Adore husband....


we have her every fri, sat, sun and often more. have been changing her crappy nappies since she was one.

And I so badly want bio child no2 but cant because "we have a baby (SD3)"

Am I just a total bitch?!


livizzle's picture

Believe me, I know how wanting your own children can make you blech towards skids. I've always wanted two children, a boy and a girl (that's not asking for too much, right? LOL). FH only wants one more children because "we already have two". No, you and your crazy ex-wife have two. Not us.

So no, I don't think you're a bitch. LOL

Gia's picture

Are you sure you hate this 3 year old little girl? or you hate how she is being parented? When I got married SD was 4 and I didn't like her much, but now I look back and what I truly didn't like is that DH let her do whatever she wanted, she went to sleep whenever she wanted, he spoiled her to no fuckn end...

Three year olds ARE a handful, that's my son's age. But you need to look at the bigger picture, what is really going on, and why you have those feelings?

Anon2009's picture

I agree with both Gia and Crayon. Most of us don't have crystal balls that we can use to predict the future. Yes, we knew these guys had/have kids. But nobody could have foreseen how things would turn out.

However, you do need to ask yourself if it's SD who you hate or the way she's being parented by FH. Does he have age-appropriate expectations for her? Granted, she's 3 and she's bound to act up a lot, but does FH put her in time-out or in her room for a few minutes? Does he correct her when she's rude to you? Maybe you and FH could benefit from counseling or parenting classes to learn how to effectively parent this child.