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"I can't make this stuff up" stories

3LittleDragonflies's picture

What are some of your stories that you wouldn't believe if you hadn't lived them?

I was thinking earlier and one specific story came to mind. The first "over night" DH and I had with SD.
To start off with, we weren't even supposed to be there.
BM had had FIL and SMIL pick up SD (then 6 months) from her house. It was New Year's Eve and BM was ready to PAR-TAY.
At BMIL's house.
Yes, she was using DH's FATHER as a babysitter to go party at DH's MOTHER's house.
AND in the instructions (Which I didn't think to keep at the time. Darnit) she gave SMIL (a hand written page of what times to change SD's diaper, what times to give her her meds (down to the minute... I mean seriously. 7:08 PM...) and when and how much to feed SD. SMIL runs a daycare for a living and has for almost 30 years now. She knows babies.) was a note at the bottom
"And dont let DH come anywhere near her. He can see her on saturday."
THEN, DH stopped by his mom's on his way from picking up some extra diapers for SD (not knowing BM was partying it up there) to wish her a happy new year and BM stumbled out of the house DRUNK and HIGH (and 19 at the time) and cussing a bluestreak at him for not being with SD on her first New Year's. He didn't let her know we were with the other side of DH's family. BM also kept calling me "DH's SLUT"

I so wish he'd recorded it...

Share your "I can't make this stuff up!" story Smile


QueenBeau's picture

When SD was an infant - DH's 21st birthday. DH & BM 'broke up' (they only tried to date because she was knocked up, didn't even make it through the pregnancy) so they alternated every other night with SD. It was BM's night with SD. DH was going to go out with some friends & celebrate.

BM & her sister call DH frantically crying saying their mom shot herself in the face. DH goes to get SD & takes care of her all night.

About 2 months later, DH goes to BM's town to visit SD. BM is all "Don't say anything about my moms face she's really sensitive about it". He sees BM's mom & her face is COMPLETELY NORMAL.

BM & her sister lied & wouldn't admit it even when he confronted them.

sooooooo crazy.

bi's picture

last year when sd and I were not on speaking terms, she came to the store I work at one day, not the next day, then the next 3 days in a row and just paced the front of the store back and forth, over and over past all the registers (which is where I am) for an hour to 2 hours each day. and she was full term pregnant. but she made it a point to get in there daily and spend plenty of time making sure I saw her and knew she was pregnant (probably supposed to make me see what I was missing out on since I wasnt' talking to her). I seriously could not freaking believe it. I was starting to wonder if she was mentally ill. then when her baby was born, she would bring him in, get him out of the car seat and walk back and forth over and over while holding him. she never appeared to be shopping at all. :O

Harleygurl's picture

My favorite is when DH and I asked to switch weekends with BM, to which she had absolutely no objections, because we had tickets to a concert out of town. Normally I try to never plan anything on the weekends when we have DS14 and SS7 but I must have got my wires crossed on this on. I asked her to switch, since it was my mistake, and she agreed. No problem. Keep in mind we weren't giving up time with SS7, just trading time.

About a month later when BM is going through her quarterly depression about being broke and how are they going to pay their bills (Ummm, get a job?) and she's screaming for more child support, she says to me and I quote "It's not fair. You and DH get to do things all the time, like that concert. Me and my husband don't get to do anything like that!!!" Really dipshit?? I work and have worked since I was 14. I earn the money to have the privledge to participate in extras, like concerts. You, on the other hand, have worked a total of 3 months in your entire 26 years but it's not fair? Maybe you should have spent less time on your back continually getting knocked up and having the pregnancies "taken care of" and done something more worthwhile with your time???

Jshep's picture

Ok, mine isn't with BM and DH. My bio dad cheated on my mom with a really young girl (she was 22 or 24, he was 36)...who was legitimately crazy. Let me list some of the crazy stuff this woman did...

1. She thought she was a witch. She had spell-books, a crystal ball, wore a long black cloak, and dressed in really weird outfits (I grew up in a town of EVERYONE noticed her...)
2. She "meditated" into her "past life" and said that she used to be a princess, but she was captured and chained to a tree and my father rode up on a white horse and saved her. That's how she knew they were destined to be together.
3. She tried to kill my dad by stabbing him with a syringe of Drain-O. This was because when she asked my dad who he would save if her and us 3 kids were drowning, he said us.
4. She threw herself down the stairs and then called the cops to say my dad did it.
5. She beat the SHIT out of my mom...multiple times.
6. She called me a c*nt when I was 12 yrs old over the phone (she thought I was my mom, we sound exactly alike).
7. She told me that my dad made her get an abortion and her dead baby floats around her all the time.

There is seriously so much more! My life was pretty crazy from age 10-14. It's amazing that I turned out as normal as I have! My mom and I always joke that we should write a book, but when you say these things out loud, it really does sound so made up!

Jshep's picture

I wish! Nope. She moved back to her big city life. Now (because of FB) I've looked her up, she thinks she's one of those rock-a-billy pin-up ladies. Even in her 40s now, she hasn't grown up at all! Thank the sweet baby Jesus that the woman never procreated. But every time my dad has problems w/my SM, he looks up the crazy. One of the main reasons my dad and I aren't close. lol

misSTEP's picture

I guess my story would just be one of the many times that BM proved that she was a lying liar who lies out of her lying liar hole.

We had the skids for the 2nd half of Xmas break. We went through a third-party neutral exchange center who sent calendars to both parents for them to look over and change anything that needed changing ahead of time. Well, for whatever reason (because she was lying, remember), BM decided to wait until just a few days ahead of time to let the place know (who would, in turn, let us know) that BM said the skids needed to be back Thursday night (instead of Sunday as the CO stated).

Reason #1: School started back up that Friday.

Ummm...hello?? What school would be stupid enough to come back from winter break on a FRIDAY?? It was pretty simple for me to look online at the school calendar and see that NO - school did NOT start back up on that Friday

Reason #2: BM really meant that SD had a gymnastics MEET to go to that Friday night.

Hmmmm...that's a little strange with winter break still in session. Let's go online and look at the gymnastics schedule. NOPE. No gymnastics meet (which the judge even said if activities are on DH's time, it's his decision to take them or not) just a practice. DH talked to SD and she said that it was no big deal whether she was at the practice or not.

Reason #3: The skids have family in town that they haven't seen for a long time.

Whatever. This, I do believe, was about the time that I had a "discussion" with DH stating that if BM says the sky is blue, we'd have to run out and check because she is a LIAR and lies about EVERYTHING. If she will straight up look at a judge and lie in his FACE, you think she won't lie to her own children and her baby daddy??