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EOW Husband...

3LittleDragonflies's picture

Here's an interesting on for you. I have an... odd... neighbor. We'll call her Diana.
Diana used to live in my house. She let her kids get away with a lot. I'm talking Pentagrams and bad graffiti on the ceiling, Silver-Glitter spray paint on dark purple walls, and windows busted out (STILL cleaning up the glass in my front yard from it...). Her 15 year old son is routinely out at midnight or 1 in the morning skateboarding. They had 4 dogs and 3 cats that resulted in the carpet having to be replaced and my back porch still smelling to high heaven whenever it gets hot out (I have tried *everything*. Suggestions please???)
Diana moved to the house next door in December. My mom (who lives in the house behind mine) asked her why one day and she said it was because she got a divorce in November because her husband was abusive. Strange reason to move one house over but whatever floats your boat. A week later, a man started showing up every other weekend. After a few weekends of this, my mom (the nosy neighbor Blum 3 ) asked who he was. "Oh, that's my new husband! We met online. He's a counselor in "Different state"." Uh-huh... and he's only here every other weekend? "Yup, some people have every other weekend with their kids, I have every other weekend with my husband."

Hmmm... Interesting. Her XH takes the kids every other weekend (I know that for a fact because I actually get to sleep without hearing "clunk clunk clunk" from skateboard wheels on the sidewalk) and her new husband comes to visit her. I think that man has probably the best step parent arrangement possible Blum 3


PeanutandSons's picture

That's not a husband....that's a booty call. Not judging, might not be a bad way to go if I ever find myself single again, lol.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

Booty call and handyman. He mows the lawn and does a bunch of housework every time he's out here. Seems like a win-win for both parties

Kilgore SMom's picture

Yeap! As far as the smell on the porch there is paint that will take out the smell of animal urine. I guess you buy it at a paint store I saw it on HGTV. They were using it to paint the floor of a room that someone had keep cats in to get the smell out..

ltman's picture

Cheapest way to go is use oxyclean on the deck, make a paste leave it on for about 20 minutes, wash it off. It may take a few rinses to get it all off, cheaper than buying Kilz paint. Easier to apply too.

New second wife-step-mom's picture

I had a friend several years ago she had never been married and met this guy that "worked" out of town alot.

Several years later she found out that he had a wife and kids in a different location within the state. She was devastated and big pregnant.

We lost touch and I seen her several years later, married without a child. I asked her about her child and she said she didn't have one. ??? I didn't have the heart to point blank ask what happened. I am assuming she gave the child up for adoption.

misSTEP's picture

I'd use a blacklight to see if there was any areas that hadn't been cleaned thoroughly. Use vinegar or a cleaner that has microbes in it.

New second wife-step-mom's picture
