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The Baby Has A Skull Fracture

3LittleDragonflies's picture

Sad The doctors think she will be okay in the long run. BM is being investigated for endangerment. She gave SD to DH "for a few days".

I'm crying. I just want to go hold that little baby and not let anything happen to it. I want to see to it that BM never gets to see SD again. I want to hug SD and tell her she didn't do anything wrong.

To add to that, the pediatrician decided my BD2 officially is speech delayed. She understands... she just doesn't talk. She is being referred to EarlyOn for speech therapy and a ENT to check her ears to see if she can hear. I want to cry, I feel like I somehow caused this.

Add to this that my mother pretty much said that I was |-| that much joy and |---------| that much pain to raise and that she is glad she didn't have more kids because it isn't worth it and so far my day is going really horribly.


overworkedmom's picture


Oh Hun! I am glad that they think the baby will be ok in the long run! Hopefully a grandparent or Aunt can take the poor thing in!

BD will be ok! You didn't do anything wrong!! This happens, I have several friends who have gone through similar circumstances and the boys are great now. With the early intervention, by the time the kids were in Kindergarten they were on track and didn't miss a thing!

askYOURdad's picture

~hugs~ I hope it all works out with SD

As for your BD2, my bio had issues early on and I completely understand feeling like it's your fault even thought that is completely irrational. It's just devastating to feel like they have a struggle that you have no control over. Listen to the doctors, they will give you tools and resources and activities to do at home and she will be fine. You are a good mama, just do your best!

As for your mom, I have complete understanding there... just remember we didn't pick our moms and we can't change them, it's not our fault!

Sweet T's picture

First off shame on your mom, what a horrible selfish, shitty thing to say to you. It is probably a goof thing she sisn't have more kids because she is missing the nurturing gene. Secondly there is nothing you did that has made your child speach delayed. My ex husband didn't talk till he was 3 and then he never shut up :)You are a great mom and are making sure she gets what she needs. Now on to BM shame the F on her. SHe deserves to be investigated. You need to be ther for that little girl and let her know she did nothing wrong.

Hugs, you are a strong woman.

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

(((HUGS))) for the crappy day. Sad glad they are investigating BM. I seriously doubt a skull fracture would've been caused by a 3yo dropping the baby. This sounds even more suspicious now.
As for the speech delay, don't worry too much. We were concerned about my son, too, but at 2.5 he started talking like crazy, and he hasn't stopped since. Hopefully this will happen for you, too. At least the doc is being proactive, though, just in case.
I don't even know what to say in regards to your mother. She sounds like a bitter woman. I'm sorry she said that to you. That is a horrible thing to say.

Anon2009's picture

Poor kids! Lots of (((HUGS))) to them and you. I'm sorry your mom said that to you Sad

Glad they're investigating BM. Hopefully, after the investigation is done, she'll be sent to prison or a mental institution for a long time, and be prohibited from having any contact with any child.

Lalena75's picture

Can we all take turns dropping BM from a roof. I'm so suspicious over her story. Yes technically a drop from the arms of a tiny 3 yr old could cause a skull fracture, but so can abuse, a fall off a bed or couch. Regardless BM IS at fault either intentionally or through negligence. I wonder what SD3 has to say?

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

>>>Can we all take turns dropping BM from a roof.<<<

Yes, can we please?

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

(((Hugs))) I am so sorry to hear you are having such a rough go right now Sad Shame on your mom and shame on BM. I'll be praying for the baby, SD, your BD, and you.

DaizyDuke's picture

I, like a lot of others find your BMs story fishy. I mean I have a 3 year old, I know how tall he is. It's not all that far to the ground if he drops something.

It seems to me that unless your SD picked the baby up by her toes and then dropped her on her head, a skull fracture would not result from a 3 year old "dropping" a baby. Hell, SS14 fell out out of a 2nd story window when he was 3 (yes, hooray again for BM2 mother of the year!) and he had a skull fracture, but was fine.

I just don't see how a kid falling from a second story window and a kid falling from the height of a 3 year old could possible have the same injury... fishy, fishy indeed.

I hope they nail her ass to the wall Sad

kathc's picture

I was just going to say this.

Babies don't break anything easily. If there's a fracture, chances are extremely good it's abuse. BM is using SD as a cover for whatever she did. Go to court and get an emergency custody order, go for full custody now while this is going on.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

Depending on how it goes talking to CPS tomorrow, we will either go through them, or go on Monday to get an emergency custody order.

BM deserves nothing but to burn. I am furious.

BSgoinon's picture

I have a friend, who was a GOOD friend in high school. She had a perfect little baby girl 10 years ago. Marissa. Marissa was 8 months old when she rolled off a bed and hit the floor. Marissa spent 18 months in the hospital and is now a paraplegic. She cannot speak, walk or even feed herself.

Could have been so much worse. SO SO much worse.

I am so sorry your SD was put in this situation. You have a lot of damage control ahead to make sure she NEVER feels like this was her fault. Who lets a 3 year old "bring them" the baby? ***SMDH*** and idiot... that's who.

BSgoinon's picture

This instance truly was an accident. The baby was able to sit up on her own and she fell asleep on mom's bed. Mom put pillows all around her and stayed in the room with her while she was sleeping. Baby rolled right over the pillows when she woke up. Mom was putting clothes away in her closet and had her back turned. Goes to show you, you can't stop watching them for even a split second at that age. Tragic.

The little girl is very happy. She is able to communicate by pointing at letters on a lap board. She goes to school and LOVES Despicable Me. Smile It's a tough life to live, but she lives it to the fullest.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

No no no, this baby is NOT DH's. SD3 is, BD2 is and BD3m is, but this is another guy she met in the mental institute's baby. She is only 11 days old.

Anon2009's picture

I hope the state steps in and takes that poor baby. Hopefully she can then go with a good person/family who will love her and provide well for her.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

That's honestly what I'm praying for. Somewhere out there, someone has my beautiful goddaughter because the state stepped in. The only reason I sleep at night is because I know she isn't being neglected by her mother anymore (God, do I have a "If you are a shitty human being become associated with me" sign on my head?)

3LittleDragonflies's picture

Questions actually are helpful. They help me think about something other than this rotten horrible situation.

trickster's picture

My BS2 has a speech delay as well and is in earlyon. It took a year of fighting with them before he syarted getting the help he needed. If you run into any problems feel free to message me. They can also do a hearing test through RESA.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

The social worker told DH that it was a skull fracture.
Exact words "Well, with a skull fracture we were going to investigate anyways."

new to this's picture

My son rolled off the bed, one of those high beds, when he was little. The bed was pushed up against the wall with just a little room on that side and I woke up as he was hitting the wall on the way down, scared the crap out of me, I reached down and all i felt was a foot and pulled him up by his foot. It happened so fast. I grabbed him by his foot and jerked him up before I knew what I was doing. He was fine, I cried for a long time. He is grown now. I tell him he has a hard head all the time. It don't matter how good a parent you are accidents happen to babies and kids.

My granddaughter has to take speech, she has took it for a couple years now. She doesn't talk plain. Speech therapy has helped so much. Please don't worry about your BS, he will be fine. It's good the dr is starting testing now. The earlier they find a problem the greater the chances of fixing it.

I feel for the baby, I hope that the hospital does a good investigation into the BM.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

CPS is investigating. DH talked to them at the hospital (BM thought he'd already left, he stopped at the front desk and talked to the social worker in the waiting room)

3LittleDragonflies's picture

What's really throwing me off is that months ago, my BD2 fell down the stairs. It was like a week after we moved in. One second she was standing next to me and then she darted at the stairs. I tried to grab her (we hadn't put a baby gate up yet) and missed by inches. She fell the ENTIRE length of the stairs.
She was fine. I rushed her to the doctor and she didn't have so much as a bump anywhere on her. The nurse actually joked "Are you sure she fell down the stairs?"

HadEnoughx5's picture

(((((HUGS))))) to you. I'm sorry there is so much going on with the children. Your mother sounds just as insensitive as mine. Hang in there Sad