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2young4this's Blog

please help

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I really need help on this one. If you don’t know my SO has an exwife and a baby momma. Well the exwife really helped him raise his daughter and he helped her raise her daughter. She now lives two states away. THANK GOD! The woman is absolutely physco. I HATE HER! Well anyway her wants SD11 to fly down there for a week this summer. I am dreading this. She talks soooo much crap about me to my SD and tells her that I am the reason that her and SO are divorced.

made myself upset

2young4this's picture

A few days ago I think someone posted a blog about what they may or may not have in common with the BM. Well I have nothing in common with the BM and dont care about her. The ex wife however is different. I looked at her FB. Yes yes yes I know I shouldn't have but I did and now I'm upset.


2young4this's picture

I believe like so many of us on here that we all came into this with good intentions. We did not come to break up “happy homes” and rip children from their parents. Why is that the second wife always gets the title of home wrecking whore. I think it’s wrong. I guess I just need to get this off of my chest.

O/T? Kinda?

2young4this's picture

My SO and I have been together for quite some time now. I just can't help but wonder about the future. Well I often (too much Lol talk about us getting married. I can't help it. I come from a family where no one I mean no one has been divorced. I see marriage as a beautiful thing and I want to get married. More importantly I want to marry him. We are so perfect for one and other. We have a love and connection that just makes me know that this is it.

she broke in!!!!

2young4this's picture

BM is a total nut job. She broke into our house and climed through a window! WTF??? I sooo wanted to whoop her ass but I didnt. I didnt say anything. I laughed at her and called the police. She is so stupid. And she wonders way she was no custody. Maybe if you weren't a meth head that broke into people's houses. GAHHHHHHH

newbi in the house

2young4this's picture

Hey ya'll! I am 21 almost 22. I have a BF that I have been with for 3 years. We are not married yet but we are talking about. We love each other and are very serious. He has a little girl. Cute little thing. She is 11. I love her. She lives with us full time. I hate his nasty ex wife. She looks like the dog draged her in from the barn under the horses feet. haha. I hope ya'll can help me work through this. LOl