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StepUltimate's picture

STBXH (1st time typing that) is now clear I am done. It went better than I could have asked, and now my worst fear is behind me. I clearly, peacefully, and thoroughly said everything I needed to say, and he didn't get angry or arguementative.

Deep down he knew. I am relieved he is being respectful, and that he owned his part & totally shifted gears to acceptance. 



Confronting BF about SD5 behaviour towards me

WannabeSM's picture

Hi everyone, 

I wrote about this on my previous post, that I have taken a decision to confront with BF about his daughter's behaviour towards me. 

I tend to forget every problem I have with this SD5 when I am around my BF so I made a list about the things that bother me and told my BF that we were going to have a serious talk and gave him a date, so that I could not avoid this conversation. 
