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Step parent dont know how long I can last

Alia's picture

My partner and I been together nearly two years we already have a baby girl of our own my own child and he has a child to an previous relationship. My SS mother is a witch and always tells him font listen to your step Mum she cant tell you what to do I know she bitches about me to him. Anyway we recently got our own place and SS comes to stay with us every single weekend Friday to Sunday and I hate it when hes here.


Trying hard to like stepson

Metal Mike's picture

I'm having a real hard time dealing with 15 yr old step son that acts like he's friends and no drive for anything but video games...bad hygiene ...try to get him to lift weights with me because he is very thin and picky about food. .he could live on cereal..There were also two 20 something stepsons that were thrown out because they never worked had bad hygiene and hasseld their mom for money to get weed...they didnt dig me coming into the picture... .
