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Setting up new rules & boundaries

HeadFirst's picture

I raised an adult daughter. It was just me and her most of her life. This is my first serious BF with kids.

My BF has 3 kids he gets 50/50 with a narcissist BM, 10 yo girl, 6 & 17 yo boys. 

BF bought a house recently and we are preparing to move in together. We've been together a yr and the kids LOVE me (BM different story lol) and I love them as well

So the current situation - the court order is no overnights unless engaged or married (BM does whatever she wants, but usually dumps the kids to her parents on weekends)


How to teach a 9yo to be a decent human.

Trying To Step Up's picture

To start -  In the beginning of my relationship with my fiance I developed a quick relationship with the youngest son 9 years old. He was loving and kind from the start, but it only seemed to be at the surface level with hugs and snuggling (he was 8 at the time). Over the last year and a half a lot has changed. Anytime I ask for a favor it's met with "No" and "Why". I don't feel that its him cutting me off or saying no because he wants to "show me". I truly feel he's just lazy and doesnt want to help period.
