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OT - True Crime Narcissists Rabbit Hole

StepUltimate's picture

Mostly Off-Topic but somewhat relevant...

For anyone familiar with the Adelson murder case regarding victim Dan Markel (RIP Dan) in Florida, the jail phone calls from last month AFTER Charlie Adelson was convicted of the murder (=4th conviction after the three he paid to have his ex-brother in law Dan Markel murdered) are being published. It's like driving by a car crash - knowing you shouldn't look but unable to look away. 


OT -- Am I obliged?

marblefawn's picture

I had a blowup with my mother a year ago. I realized then that the family dynamic I'd lived with all my life was bad for me and I wanted to change it after the blowup, but how do you change an entire miserable family?

My mother refused to clear the air with me -- she flat out told me she would not discuss it.


OT - Snoring

StepUltimate's picture

Reporting live from bed, next to my sleeping DH. Snoring DH. Stops breathing for a while then gasps for air; I totally think he has sleep apnea. We tried various solutions but I suspect only long-term diet change would work. DH recently started experiencing GERD so he's eating better. GERD is apparently worsened by sleep apnea. Anyone have any experience with GERD, snoring, stopped-up breathing, or sleep apnea?
