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Can’t stand to be around stepson ! Help

Thash876's picture

I’m 25 and my gf is 23. My gf and I have and 8 month old son together and she has a 5 year old son with someone else and ever since we’ve moved together over a year ago (because she was pregnant) my feelings for her son have lessened. He’s disrespectful, undisciplined and lately he has been making me feel like the bad guy in my own house because Im trying to teach him how to be respectful. He literally does exactly what I tell him not to do and doesn’t have much respect for me at all when his mom or dad is around.


Dealing with disrespect

JLyons88's picture

Hi, I am new to ST and fairly new Step Dad. My stepson who is 8 hasnt grown up with a male figure in his life. He has the knowledge that when he is bad or disrespectful if he throws a few tears and breaks down 90% of the time all is forgiven, then play on repeat. When i try to correct him and tell him he has to be respectful of his morher and i, its I that gets the third degree and the lectures that i shouldnt do it. Am i wrong for standing up for my wife and myself by telling him he shouldnt talk like he does to us?
