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She's an amazing kid BUT I CANNOT STAND HER!

GuiltyAndAnnoyed's picture

My SD is sweet and loving and caring and optimistic. She has had behavioral issues (defacating and urinating on herself, lying, extreme attention-seeking behaviors), but I know that it stems from her parenting and I really don't blame her for it. I know logically that her birth is not her fault. I know rationally that she has done nothing wrong. Sure, she's snuck snacks and used my makeup and lied about it- that's annoying, but typical for a kid! She hasn't done anything that's atypical for an 8yo kid. Honestly compared to most kids she's truly amazing.


Am I Overeacting? Is my life perfect or am I being used?

josephcarpenter66's picture

I have been in a serious relationship with my SO for 3 years. Living together for the past 2 years. She has a 7 year old and she has been dialing up my step parent responsibilities little by little. At first it was nice having the little guy around but then I felt my independence being chipped away at little by little. I love both my SS and my SO. However, recently she received a very prestigious job and we moved together across the country with her son. She works long hours and thus I have been doing a lot of the parenting.
