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BF’s mom pissed at him...

LARoman62's picture

Well...  my bf's mom was fit to be tied at her son.  She was angry that he took her dresser and gave it to his son and stuck a great big armoire filled with yet even more of his clothes he doesn't wear in her room.  She also was pissed he was cleaning his room yet again.  Even at 95 yo, and with dementia, grandma has told me the kid needs to clean his own room and get a job. This time the excuse is because the Little Prince has been working 6 whole days!  Well he did get his special shirts today for the assistant manager's position after all. This deserves a reward.


Update: Little Prince got a job!

LARoman62's picture

I was gobsmacked to find out my bf's 24 yo son suddenly got a job *shok* I have no idea what lit a fire under his ass.  He was MIA for 2+ days, but I wasn't complaining.  The house had a calmer feel and I was basking in it.  Apparently his mom helped him look online for a job.  He got up on time and went.  With the way things are they hired him on the spot at the restaurant, even without any work history.  They said he'd make $20./hr as a waiter, I don't buy that, but Idgara as long as he got one.
