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Anyone familiar with Bipolar misdiagnosed as ADHD and mismedicated?

Shieldmaiden's picture


  My SD18, as you have read in my other blogs and posts, is likely bipolar (manic type) like her Dad. He and BM never had her diagnosed, out of willful blindness on his part, and not caring on her part. SD18 is now having daily panic attacks and suicidal thoughts. 


Boyfriends unruly 15 yo daughter

Robowife's picture

She has been spoiled rotten her whole life and the biggest attention seeker. Her room is a mess, she never cleans anything, Shes loud, obnoxious, always says bad things to about everyone behind their back and wont listen to anybody. Her mother influences her to dislike everyone, telling her everyone is stupid, including her teachers at school. She is failing in school because her mother doesnt care about it and makes everything the dads problem and the reason for her behavior. To shed light on the subject, My boyfriend is the most caring person and takes Part in his daughters life.
